BC Bike Race, 7 days/333 miles, 42,000 feet


Our blog: http://bcbikerace2008.blogspot.com

So in the summer of 2008, I completed the BC Bike Race. The toughest race I have ever done.

7 days/333miles of dirt/42,000 feet of elevation gain/52 hours of saddle time/3 ferry rides

Victoria to Whistler

The rules were:
1. Race with a teammate/partner (you could be no more than 1:00 minute apart from each other on the race course) and finish each stage together.
2. Get thru two time cutoffs on the course every day.
3. Each racer had to carry a rain jacket, food, water, whistle, means to make a fire, and a splinting device.

My teammate Charles and I had a great time. We almost missed the toughest cutoff on day 5.

Only 60% or so, of the starters, finished the race.

If you have ever dreamed of doing a long endurance event, go do it. It is incredibly rewarding, and if I can do this, anyone can do anything they put their mind to.

Hope you enjoy the blog.
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Well done! I have long lusted after doing this event but have wondered if I was really up for it.

Go for it! It really is achievable if you have some technical riding ability and the time to train 12-20 hours a week on the bike for 12 weeks before a muti day stage race.

My next big stage race I plan on doing will be the Cape Epic in Africa. I plan on riding the 2011 race and probably go straight from there and complete Ironman NZ two weeks later. I hope my body can take the punishment, but I will be in great condition come hell or high water.

I am going to try and take off this year from any big events, only a couple of 24 hour races, and one or two 100k or 100 milers on the MTB.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I'm a huge fan of beautiful races. Events that traverse stunning landscapes are always more rewarding than brutal romps in the ugly hinterlands. The BC Bike Race, like the Trans Alp and others always looked to me to be a beautiful race. It's on my list, but I'm going to need another pair of legs if I'm to get my list complete.

Nice work, by the way.

I've often toyed with the idea of doing the Ruta, but this event sounds like waaaaay more fun.


I'm a huge fan of beautiful races. Events that traverse stunning landscapes are always more rewarding than brutal romps in the ugly hinterlands. The BC Bike Race, like the Trans Alp and others always looked to me to be a beautiful race. It's on my list, but I'm going to need another pair of legs if I'm to get my list complete.

Nice work, by the way.

I've often toyed with the idea of doing the Ruta, but this event sounds like waaaaay more fun.

We hung out with a previous winner of Ruta, and his teammate most of the week in BC. Both were Costa Rican's, and they said that Ruta was, in their opinion, the toughest race in the world. And from what I have heard from my friends who have raced it, I tend to agree. The Costa Rican's had raced all of the 5 big stage races, and they thought that BC was the next hardest because of all of the technical single track, as opposed to fire roads at the other races.

Flounder, if you get the chance, race BC.

I think one of the best features of this race, Cape Epic, Trans Alp, and Trans Rockies, is that you have a teammate. Pick the right partner, and you will have a blast and a true friend to share the pain with. Pick the wrong partner, and you will have pure hell for 7 days. My partner and I got along really well. No arguments, no harsh words, and I would say that Charles and I are as close as brothers now after this experience together.
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