Beretta PX4 Storm, Smith & Wesson BodyGuards


-Don't get to caught up in caliber and bullet type. Accurate and efficient shot placement is going to make the most difference.

I agree. Don't get in that groove that a 9mm won't stop someone. Trust me it will. if you want a .40 or .45 do it because you want a caliber of that size, not because you dont think a 9mm wont do the same job. also remember a .40 or .45 all day at the range and your wrists will know it, and so will your wallet, as a .40 or a .45 is significantly more expensive then a 9mm.

-Dry fire practice is generally free. You really can't do too much of it. Practice drawing from the holster, reloads, malfunctions, etc. Do this 10X as much as your shoot. If your worried about 'dry-fire' get a set of snap-caps or training rounds.

except if it is a rim-fire weapon such as .22's. bad... very bad idea.

-Practice Practice Practice.

probably some of the best advice given yet. again this is where caliber comes into place the difference between shooting a .40 or .45 all day vs. a 9mm is a good amount of money.. just saying. BTW my Sig P229 is a .40 so don't think I am anti- .40 or .45

read my above answers in red ^^^^^


Expedition Leader
I agree on the .22lr dry fire, forgot to specify that.

On a semi-related note, you can get a .22lr conversion for the large frame glock I think. 500 rounds for $20 makes for a lot of good practice.


My wife has a Walther P22 .22lr and it is incredibly awesome range gun. 550 rounds for $16.00 at the sportsmans warehouse near our home. She can shoot that for an entire weekend for less than $35.00


Just here...
My 75B is a 9mm and I love it. The different weights, loads and designs available in 9mm make choosing between a .40 and a 9mm very hard. I went with 9mm because it will put down someone and, more importantly, something. If one shot wont do it, the beauty of the 9mm is that it is going to have a higher capacity without having to go with an extended magazine. Factory set up for the CZ is 16+1 for me. Ill have plenty of opportunities to put lead down range if I need to. The other beauty of the 9mm is that the ammo is CHEAP! I can go to the range and crank off quite a few rounds for not a lot of money so I can afford to practice. One other thing I like doing is putting a pencil, eraser side first, down the barrel and standing a few inches away from a piece of paper on the wall. Pulling the trigger pops the pencil out at the paper and I can tell if Im pulling the trigger too hard and pulling my shots (which I have a habit of doing).

As much as I love my CZ, I have a ton of fun shooting my WWII Hi Standard .22LR Military pistol. My little Makarov/ Baikal 9mm short is fun too. (as you can tell, I like metal frames)


Photographer in the Wild
My brother inlaw and I just went out shooting. Being in Florida, I only have a small part of my arsenal but my brother inlaw brought the works. Beretta, 2 rugers, a kimber 1911 and some others not worth mentioning. I of course brought the PT145. we all compared guns as we shot and while my compact 145 smoked ALMOST everything he had, the one beretta of his was such a smooth gun it was scary! I believe it is the PX4 but I am not 100%

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