Best iPad Software for Overlanders


While we have had a lot of discussion on navigation apps, I've found a couple of really useful apps that are helpful while traveling. I'm sure others have also.

Gas Buddy: With location services turned on, this program will tell you all (most?) of the fuel stations in the area, and the price. You can pick gas, or diesel. If you choose, you can participate in posting prices.

iExit: If you have to spend time on the freeway, this app will tell you most services at each exit coming up within 1.5 miles from freeway; fuel, food, shopping. Pretty complete, but sometimes I've found it misses a shopping spot.

PageOnce: If your on the road and want to keep track of finances, this app retrieves it and keeps it handy. You can't manipulate your accounts, but you can easily track their status (money taken out/ put in). Large financial institutions seem to be well covered. Smaller ones can be requested. Jury is still out on how well that will work.


Filemaker Pro 12 has a free iPad app (FilemakerGo) that can use databases created on the desktop on the iPad. I'm currently building a maintenance DB. There are other apps that do some of the things as my DB will do, but not quite as specific or custom.

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Expedition Leader
Other than my gps apps, I haven't found any apps worth using on my ipad (wifi only). I am looking for a vehicle maintenance app but that's not really directly relevant for off road use.

xlr8 is a cool 'toy' app. plugged into my audio system, it's fun to use.

I also use PS Express for light photo post processing along with the camera connect kit (both SD and USB) to view pictures I've taken during the trip while sitting in camp.

I occasionally use the recorder on my ipod touch to help document things from the trip as well.

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