Best way to clean water jugs???


If the question was "how do I keep dirt off of my water containers" that might work.

Is it safe to use bleach in a container that won't get anything better than a rinse before carrying drinking water?

Bleach is the best way to clean and disinfect a water container. In addition, the bleach accelerates leaching of plasticizer left from manufacturing that gives the odd taste to the water.

To use bleach in say a 5 gallon water can, put about a quarter cup of bleach into the can along with a full load of water. Let the water + bleach stay in the can for 12 to 24 hours then pour out the water and rinse out the can with potable water. You're good to go now.


Expedition Leader
Contrast that with the cleaning instructions for hydration bags. Every one that I've had (ironically all BUT a Camelback so no idea what those suggest) say no bleach, use lemon Juice or vinegar in some cases.

I would speculate that the reason is one of two things. Either the ideal ratio of bleach is so low in actual bleach volume that it would be hard to do correctly, or the polymer that these are made from doesn't respond well to bleach.

For further data points you might look into what is recommended for RV potable water tanks.

I have been using bleach to clean my MSR water bag for going on 20yrs. Still doesn't leak! I use a very small amount of bleach though and let the bag dry out completely before capping it.

I agree with everyone else about bleach but you don't need very much at all to do the job. There are alternatives that are more eco friendly. If you overdue it with bleach it will more than likely just give you a bad case of the runs! Bleach can be used to purify water don't need very much at all to kill cysts.

Nobody has suggested it so I will say...use a pressure washer. Between a pressure washer and a tiny bit of bleach you will have clean water containers.


I've had good luck adding a bit of dry rice as a mechanical means of scrubbing the inside if they get green. I use bleach as well. I try to remember to put a bit in when I store them (full) to keep the funk down.
I have a few methods that I use to clean water containers..

1. For general odor removal (new tanks, used with too much Iodine on a backpacking trip etc). I stick in a bunch of denture cleaning tablets and leave it in for a few days, it deodorises, kills germs etc and takes out most nasty tastes and odors.
2. if I have been lazy and let crap grow in a container I dry it out, stick it in the freezer for a few days (anything growing becomes hard and dead). then I scrub it with something (Dry rice, brush whatever) then I use my general disinfectant odor remover.
3. worst case I do the freeze option use a little bleach and a quick rinse.. then rinse very well, then do the denture cleaner thing :)

I have done all of these for years on multiple types of containers with great success


Expedition Leader
The Valterra water tanks that I've bought all come with instructions to use bleach and water to clean them before putting potable water inside for human consumption. If memory serves, for a 7 gallon tank I used 2 tablespoons of bleach, filled it up, and let it sit for 4 hours. Dumped out the bleachy water and rinsed until the smell of bleach was gone.

I still follow this procedure for my water jugs once a year, and have done so for...what...12 years? Never been a problem.

This is the same procedure, with less bleach, I followed when my Scepter water containers were new. They had that funky plastic smell which moved right into the water. Letting bleach and water mix sit in the containers overnight took care of that plastic smell/taste.

Now if I could just get rid of the bleach smell and taste :Wow1:.

Just kidding :wings: they're fine now.


A good trick for cleaning the inside of a tank is ice & salt shake the crud out of it... Nice abrasive action with stuff you have at hand..


I use baking soda & vinegar. DO NOT CAP THE CONTAINER.
After it reacts swish it around and rinse real good.

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