Big trucks & Tiny Trails...


Bill - What happened on that hill? Not enough room.between trees? I found a cool looking trail that i dare not try in my Tundra even though I probably could have made it, but there were a couple of trees that were likely to nick the truck.

One day, I'll have a trail rig that it won't bother me on, but for now, Im pretty limited where I can go. I want to try the waller again now that I've got new wheels/tires and a small lift.

If I were to do it again, id split the money I spent on the Tundra between a cheap commuter car and a trail rig i could wrench on and not be too concerned about beating it up.

As far as the OP, will be pretty limited on where you can go in a big rig. Out west is another story, but here in the south, most trails are too skinny.

- Chris


A Land Cruiser 200 may not be a real full size truck, or is one of the smaller one.

But i get allready some scratches on both sides. I chose not to care about this - it will happen anyway.

You just have to look after a good deal for paint it, when you want to sell.

Better be relaxed, otherwise you cant enjoy the tracks..


SE Expedition Society
Bill - What happened on that hill? Not enough room.between trees?
...As far as the OP, will be pretty limited on where you can go in a big rig. Out west is another story, but here in the south, most trails are too skinny.

- Chris
The trail was made by and used mostly by Jeeper/rock-crawlers; the ledges and trees were spaced to their dimensions.
My wheelbase was too long and wide.
I got a little stuck on two fairly easy ledges that I would've hopped up in my old JK without missing a beat. But in the PW, I had the front axle against one ledge and the back axle against the other --- perfectly spaced. And no room side to side at all; there was a bank on the left and stump on the right.
Steve Springs was spotting me from the front and Pat Harris from the back.
I finally made it up by sacrificing my passenger side rocker on the stump.

There's a vid somewhere of it.


SE Expedition Society



I think that Jody from U-Joint shot the vid but I can't find it.


American Adventurist
Full sizes are awesome, the trick is to fold in your mirrors


and learn to love the sound of your skid plates and make turns like Austin Powers


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