Birth of My Kimberley Karavan

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
We are planning a trip for next May. Thinking North Rim, Zion, Bryce, Capital Reef, and Moab for a month. My team did great at work keeping things running while I was gone for two weeks. We may revisit the Overland Expo because we really learned a lot, met some great people, and enjoyed hanging around people with like mindset. Maybe a Kimberley get together. We will have enough KK owners in the US to have a nice party.

A KK get together next year sounds like fun to me. A 5th US Karavan is shipping to someone in NM so there will be 4 in the West. I am not sure who has the kruisers in the US but I think a couple are in Phx and one more up in Colorado.


A KK get together next year sounds like fun to me. A 5th US Karavan is shipping to someone in NM so there will be 4 in the West. I am not sure who has the kruisers in the US but I think a couple are in Phx and one more up in Colorado.

Two Kruisers in Colorado. One in Boulder and one in Breckenridge. Of course my Karavan in Denver.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Took a short local spring trip with my son and his friends to the Mogollon Rim a couple weeks ago. A little goopy but a fun trip. Time to bring on the camping season. :)

On the way home i camped at Bartlett Lake in search of wild flowers. Sometimes to get a nice spot on the point, you have to straddle the hump. You end up looking like a perched Daddy Long Leg. LOL



Dutch - did you ever get the cable issue sorted on your caravan?

Yes. That issue and another have been remedied. I am still contemplating selling it. Now that everything is working as it should and better than it came from the factory, I can sell it with a clear conscience.


New member
G,Day Tuscon Could I beg a big favour from you and a few moments of your time to run a tape measure over a few points of interest for me .Even though I'm in Australia, trying to find one to measure up is fairly hard as they are not that common due to the cost of them .
Reason being is to use the measurements as a reference guide..
Ive seen / been in Kimberley a while back, but had no tape and the sizes are what I would like in an upcoming similar style lift up roof / wall hard shell camper build.
I can only gleam so much from Google pics and the accuracy of my rough scaling / measurement of them leave too much to error ..
Thanks in advance for your time and efforts .
Ed .


New member
Hi all you KK owners,
I am looking seriously into importing the compact karavan. Has anyone considered or actually mounted a karavan directly on a truck chassis or flatbed? The direct mount means we can take the whole show overseas when we visit family. We're 5 in total and I have the idea that spending some summers with the kids in cities and woods of France, Germany, Scandinavia would be fantastic.



Hi all you KK owners,
I am looking seriously into importing the compact karavan. Has anyone considered or actually mounted a karavan directly on a truck chassis or flatbed? The direct mount means we can take the whole show overseas when we visit family. We're 5 in total and I have the idea that spending some summers with the kids in cities and woods of France, Germany, Scandinavia would be fantastic.


The truck and flat-bed idea has been considered, but not implemented successfully.

The Kimberley Karavan will NOT sleep 5 people; and it requires a choreographer for even two people to move around easily inside.
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