Ha ha ha! Great site. Two cameras dedicated for crash monitoring. And I though my hobbies are weird.
I found this one in another build thread.
This is the construction of my camper box except that the wall is 2 1/2" thick (more foam). The roof is 3" without plywood on the exterior. The floor is 4" with 1/2" ply inside and none on the exterior side. There are plywood ribs in the panels but I do not know what the spacings are.
The box is very solid and comfortable with no signs of failure. The only problem I have had is where some clown cut the roof open to put in a backing pad for a roof mount then made a very bad patch repair. All good now.
The box is now 22 years old and traveled to 5 continents.
Done right this is probably as strong as you can get. Do not hesitate to use plywood in the sandwich. It has been used with great success in the boat building world for many years.