Buying boots - Gore-Tex a big deal?

Cackalak Han

Thanks for all of the feedback. It's been one busy summer and I haven't had proper time to go out and try out any boots. However, I did make a purchase. Some of you might laugh at it. I know I did. A friend of mine got me into these and had me read "Born to Run." Interesting read. Anyway, been hiking, running in these and like them thus far. And it's non-Gore-Tex :D


Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Thanks for all of the feedback. It's been one busy summer and I haven't had proper time to go out and try out any boots. However, I did make a purchase. Some of you might laugh at it. I know I did. A friend of mine got me into these and had me read "Born to Run." Interesting read. Anyway, been hiking, running in these and like them thus far. And it's non-Gore-Tex :D


As retailers, we should send the publishers of Born to Run a Christmas goose and the manufacturers of Five Fingers a fruit cake. We've made a killing selling insoles and proper footwear to all the people who have damaged their dogs with Five Fingers. We have a podiatrist here who says he sees a Five Finger injury about once a month. It's not entirely the shoe's fault, but the use of the shoe.

The argument of "Ten thousand years ago we didn't have shoes" doesn't hold up unless you have ten thousand year old feet.

Cackalak Han

I understand. I am still skeptical, but it's something new to try and have yet to sustain injury *knock knock*. Ive been running about 3-5 miles in them on a semi dally basis with no problems.

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