California to Belize on Trail90s!


New member
CTs on the road or off the road

Than ks for that Ron...very interesting...we have three CTs in the garage, two 110s and a 90. I always thought they would be the perfect bike for doing a 3rd world trip like that. For a great many reasons...
Brian in NM

Colorado Ron

I agree. They dont have alot of power, but most 3rd worlds your cruising 35mph max anyway. Since the roads are bad and you in unfamiliar territory. I was very surprised to see my wifes excitement when she saw it. She never has been interested in bikes, sadly, but this just might be the ticket to get her into them!


New member

Ron, My wife started riding motorcycles on a friends old CT90 when we lived in Alaska...I would ride a Honda TL125 trials bike I had built out of a pile of parts and she rode the CT. Man, she had a ball on the dirt and crashed a bunch of times, never getting hurt since it was slow speeds on the dirt. Next she had a XT200 Yammy that was a piece of crap but she rode it to a Yammy XT500 and then on to street bikes. She has 3 bikes of her own these days. Watch out what you start, my friend....she actually kept her new CB750 in the front room of our little alaska cabin in the winter and mine were all relegated to the shop and lean-to! Dang, I unleashed a monster! :wings:

I have always thought the CT would be a great RTW could take it in the hotel room wherever you were if you weren't camping and shove it up on the top of a bus or on an airplane when needed, it is also quite importable to Asian countries that have a 125cc limit on bikes. If you ever broke down so bad that it was hopeless, you could pitch it over the bank, go on and not be out a terrific amount.

Good luck with the you unleash...
Brian in NM


Expedition Leader
Hey I've got an old Trail 90 down at the cabin, I think it's time to go explore those old logging roads a little more eh ;) I love that you have a low range on the CT's for when that little motor can quite gut it out or the going just get's really slow...




New member
Dave....have fun on that little thing! They are one of the most under rated bike in the states in my view. :bowdown: Here in the states the tendency seems to be "bigger is better" whether we need it or not. Maybe it is the vast distances here. Or maybe just an overabundance of money and testosterone. But the rest of the world runs fine on small vehicles of all kinds and the 90cc to 125cc range is the main ride in most counties where bikes are ridden for work and serious transpo.
I have four bikes currently and we have three 4 wheeled vehicles in the yard and what do I ride 99% of the CT110! I love it and use about $3.00 worth of gas every two weeks!
Brian in NM


Expedition Leader
Yeah, to me, 90cc's can still get you into trouble. While I like bigger bikes, these little buggers are GREAT for out in the woods, between the low range and teh small dimensions, you can practicaly pack one of these things up and over anything or at least walk it over something with the low range aiding you... I will DEFINATELY be taking this thing out on the area logging roads and I can imagine it will be quite fun. It reminds me of being a kid when ANY nmotor bike you got to throw a leg over was the coolest thing in the world eh. I'm too old to worry about looking cool anymore, and ya know what, it free's up alot of opertounities to drive/ride some fun machines ;)




New member
Oh man Dave, I hear you. What fun....I look like a trained bear on mine and don't give a hoot.....the funny thing is if you look around a bit you will be astonished at what these little tiddlers are costing these days. I see them on ebay going for well over a grand for a good runner! Way too much but they are in really high demand and of course there is nothing even close to what they are on the market today. There is a great yahoo group called the Honda CT90/CT110 List. I got involved when a guy was riding one across the US last year and got hit from behind....I got him and his bike to my house and that yahoo group of about 2000 people started sending him money through my paypal account to get him back up and running again.....we were able to get him an old truck and another donated CT and he finished the trip by truck and got home OK. Now is back on the road. What a group!....these guys and gals are FANATICS about their "Tiddlers"!:jumping:


Expedition Leader
Yeah, my dad actualy found two of them quite awhile ago and picked them up for a song. One's just a part's bike, but it's made the other one a complete bike. I'd love to find a 110, that would make such a perfect little travel bike. We've been tossing around the idea of loading the 90 on our trailer for a shuttle rig for rafting. Either that or I have an old Honda100 street bike that is also a really neat old timey bike. That's getting re-built right now cause my commute to work will be much more enjoyable and cost effective on the back of the 100. But shhhhhh don't tell the Toyota ;)




New member
Lucky score...We have a couple really nice 110 s and a 90 that I am going through right now. Paid $800 for each of the 110s and $300 for the 90 but have put a lot more into it. Also had to drive to Arizona to pick up the 90 and that cost a bunch. I have way too much in them but what the hey! they are fun and do amazing on the fuel. I run my dog with one....putt along at about 15 mph and ride up all over the mesa by the river and my little cow dog gets all the exercise she needs....of course the only exercise I get is for my face muscles grinning so hard!:rolleyes:


Expedition Leader
rathackman said:
Lucky score...We have a couple really nice 110 s and a 90 that I am going through right now. Paid $800 for each of the 110s and $300 for the 90 but have put a lot more into it. Also had to drive to Arizona to pick up the 90 and that cost a bunch. I have way too much in them but what the hey! they are fun and do amazing on the fuel. I run my dog with one....putt along at about 15 mph and ride up all over the mesa by the river and my little cow dog gets all the exercise she needs....of course the only exercise I get is for my face muscles grinning so hard!:rolleyes:
HAHAHAHAHA, yeah, they'd be a great way to actualy wear out a cattle dog and get'm to go to bed eh... My Boarder collie I hearded with in OZ LOVED it when I went out to check fences on the yz250... He'd just run and runa and run and run...

Good luck on the rebuilds, and I may have to pick your brain on some trouble shooting issues.




New member
Michael...I think there are plenty to be had for a reasonable price but probably not too many on Craigslist, or on Ebay. I think the way they turn up is at a garage or estate sale or through an acquaintance. Out on the internet most folks know what they can get for them and ask high. Both the 110s we bought needed nothing more than a few adjustments, freshening up with fork seals,....etc., not much else except for standard maintenance stuff. I am always looking and will buy anything I see along those lines since I know so many folks that want them. I passed on a couple of 90s a few months back that the guy wanted $600 a piece for since he pis-ed me off with his attitude. I think if I wanted to play, I could have gotten the pair for a large. They both were cosmetically good although I did not spend much time checking them out. I hear of guys picking up one here and there for under a hundred but have not witnessed it personally.....don't give up, they are out there. Good luck...
Brian in NM

Michael Slade

Let's say I am looking for a nice mini-bike that has the LOWEST ground pressure.

Reason: I want to get out to some islands on the Great Salt Lake that are surrounded by mud-flats. I can get an ATV out there, no problem, but I was wondering if I can get a 90 or a 110 to go onto a hitch mounted rack easier than towing an ATV around everywhere.

I know the 90's have fatter tires than the 110's, but I like the seating position of the 110's better. Am I splitting hairs?

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