The Rover Shop
I spoke to many people in the know as to the cause of the demise of the Camel Trophy.. I have been told one of the main reasons for Land Rover pulling out of the event is continuing pressure from groups against the whole tobacco industry, as well as it's considered something as inappropriate to go "hacking" through jungles..I have seen "private" documents where lobbyist groups were bragging about being able to cause enough upset that one of the events were changed due to environmentalists concerns.. Now don't get me wrong..I am definitely one for the tread lightly approach and am totally against contributing to the depletion of our forests...but I think the events did more good than harm in showcasing the raw beauty of the forests they went many of the pictures on the events show the event stuck on roads where other trucks and vehicles are completely bogged down, these routes were obviously being used by vehicles doing far more damage than the camel vehicles did and those trucks are being used by locals, the environmentalists didn't bring to light all of the good that the camel trophy brought to the areas they went through, such as repairing roads and building bridges and even the houses and research facilities they constructed high on mountain tops.. I personally would love to see the camel back but I am not sure if Land Rover has anything capable of that sort of event anymore....these things have to be pretty bulletproof and able to be repaired on the side of the road...can't imagine dealing with an electrical or computor failure in the middle of the Amazon... I would gladly contribute the use of my vehicle (with me along of course) on an event...:smiley_drive::26_16_2: