Camera Purchasing


I am in the market for a new camera. (nikon D80)

While looking on the web for prices etc. I have come across other retailers, who have prices much cheaper.

My question...Has anyone ever purchased from one of these places? I know to make sure it has a USA warranty, and that it is new not reconditioned. I have usually used a local camera store or B&H photo in New York, both whom I have had good experience with.

Here are some sites:

thanks in advance

Scott Brady


Many years ago, I made a few lens purchases through a NY retailer. One lens was ok, while the other was a previous model, which they did not disclose. They are rude and try to upsell you on everything, then charge 3% for a CC purchase and big shipping costs.

Anymore, I just drive down to Phoenix and my favorite camera store (Tempe Camera). They are so helpful and knowledgable that it is always worth the extra 10-15% I spend.

You may want to consider the Canon XTi, which is 10mp and has a big, beautiful LCD. That would allow you to borrow lenses from the rest of us before you buy them.



Those places in NY are OK if they send you the right items. I've ordered cameras, supplies, slide projector & screen, etc. from various places, mostly before you could do it on the net. The people on the phone were almost always rude and tried to push something else. I have also receive some incorrect items, fortunately it was supplies of low value and I didn't go through the hassle of returning.

Our last camera last fall was purchased from that place was recommened to me by a pro and I gave them a try. Everything went well for me. Before ordering online I tried to get the camera here:
they have a store in Escondido. Their prices were competetive, but they couldn't get me the camera in time for a trip. Bying a camera in a store does have it's advantages like Scott says and often the price difference is not that big anymore.


Expedition Leader
Hi Robb, I have used they were very slow on delivery on a very common small item - but I bought from them becuse the price was so low - I decided not to a second time

B&H has always delivered but their prices seem always a bit high has always delivered and with great prices all though their site needs better naviation

and I spent a good chunk of change at Ritz camera- they were also real fast on the delivery and quailty service and easy navi on the site

good luck on the awesome purchase!:victory:


Thanks for your help everyone!

I realize it is equal to why I buy stuff from Slee.


Better to spend a bit more $$$ than go through the headache of pushy, slow, and or cheaper companies.

expeditionswest said:
You may want to consider the Canon XTi, which is 10mp and has a big, beautiful LCD. That would allow you to borrow lenses from the rest of us before you buy them.

Thanks Scott,
But I am already I Nikon guy. :p


Expedition Leader
Always check before you buy, if a shop is much cheaper than others, or really than msrp on a new camera, it is probably a scam -- they split out everything in the package and charge you individually.

If you are looking for reputable places to shop try in no particular order:
  • B&H
  • Unique Photo
  • Calumet
  • Sammy's Camera
  • Penn Camera
  • Roberts Imaging

That would be my list that of stores that I call when I'm looking for something. B&H tends to be last because I don't like their attitude and if it is a new product, like the D80, they are probably the most likely to be sold out.



bigreen505 said:

  • ...
  • Sammy's Camera

That would be Samys,

This is who I use, tho I go there in person. The salespeople really really know they're stuff, and they're usually good at price-matching, or at least they'll give you the best price they can - I've noticed there are often unadvertised specials. Don't think I've actually ordered anything online, but it's a dangerous store to visit if you have any room left on your credit card.

Have heard some real horror stories about the superdiscount places.

I also like Bob Davis Camera in La Jolla. There used to be great places in Denver and Portland (Photo World?) but I know the latter got swallowed up by Ritz or something.

BTW, I'm a Nikon guy too; D70 as well as the old Coolpix 4500. Problem being I seem to beat the hell out of my cameras on a regular basis. I figure if I don't bring them along with me all the time, I might as well not have them; and I don't go to any extraordinary methods to protect them. That said, I've been looking at some bag-style waterproof cases for the D70 which might help keep the dust and other schmutz off.


TheRAMadaINN on Instagram
I also like b&h as well as Samy's and have had nothing but good experiences. However, I usually go inside of Samys instead of online. There isn't a location exactly close to you. Locations The one in Santa Ana is pretty close to the 405 if you ever head up north.

I gave those other camera places a chance because of their great deal and this is what they did. I place/complete my order online. They call you the next day to confirm your order, at the same time they push and pressure you to buy accessories. And if you don't answer, they don't ship. I've also been lied to and was told they had this one item in stock and should arrive next week. Next week comes, nothing shows up. I call and they tell me that it's been on back order for weeks. That was my last straw - I went back to b & h.


Nice thread as I am looking into updating my camera also...
I bought it in 2000 at Ritz, same as Wolf cameras... I was looking for a deal at the time... but... with not much time on my hands... with extra batteries (AA...) a charger... case and what not, I still have the receipt for $1100...
A Cool Pix 990... has served me well over the years throughout all my 6 months bike trips...


or with the help of a microscope at a research center in AZ...


and throughout my last contract at Divan restaurant... finally over a couple days ago... with regrets I must say...


My problem now... is of two points...

One, it has always been too large and heavy to keep around my neck on the bike... always had to stop... take off gloves... get it out of the tank bag... you get the picture...
Two... of more importance, I am having a harder time as the years have gone by... no... I am not 92, but 58... keeping my hands still and ending up lately with a lot of blurry pictures...
So I am looking at the Canon SD700 with... Image Stabilizer... I think that will be the ticket... and probably will go back to Wolf or Ritz as they always have a great service and even take my laptop in for any software problems...

I DID CALL 2 cut rate places today advertised on the Internet... a saving of about $120... DO NOT BELIEVE the feedbacks you read...
The first one, as I said what I wanted, within a millisecond replied... "what else?"... always trying to find humor in situations I started laughing... as he asked me why I am laughing (now, not a sarcastic laugh... but a nice laugh!) I replied... "are you buying?", he then proceeded to reply... "you are really going to laugh now... I will not sell it to you..." and hang up!!!
The number two internet store... I think owned by the same people... I could recognize the voice... had it in stock but also within a millisecond took another path... "the battery that comes with it is only going to last 15mn's max... let me sell you a 5hr battery for $199...". It was my turn to hang up!!!

Anyhow... it was a wonderful day... too bad my hands have started to shake a bit taking pictures... I might have just got into some neck exercises to carry my faithfull Cool Pix 990 around!

Be well... and... does anyone knows of a such small camera with Image Stabilizer?


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Ara, check out these guys This is where the wife and I bought our DSLR and I have no complaints whatsoever. The SD700 should be a awesome camera, I was looking to buy the SD550 before we bought the DSLR and it got a lot of rave reviews. Or if you want to go to a brick and mortar store, go to Circuit City, Best Buy, or Wolf.

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