Camper mog


I don't have an on demand water heater, just a standard 5(ish) gallon propane heater. We have an instant hot n the house and its ok, I am personally not that impressed with it. The house heater takes 30 seconds or so to give water that you could call hot so you waste alot while waiting, it would not be as bad in a camper but wasting any water is not ideal. We considered a hot water circulator which would instantly give hot water from the faucet but this defeats the purpose of the instant-on heater because it will run when no water is flowing to keep the water in the pipe warm. Also not ideal for a camper and it takes electric to run the circulation pump. I didn't even know you could get instant hot water heaters for campers.

At some point I am going to replace the camper water heater with a coolant/electric immersion type. I'll use a hydronic 4 when the engine is not running which will double as a block heater. The electric is just for back up if you happen to be hooked up or running on generator, if worst comes to worst you could run it on the inverter.

This hot water sytem would give me the option of using water matrix space heaters instead of the propane furnace, this would allow me to heat the cabin while driving and it would not use any propane. At least initially I would keep the propane furance because I need propane for the stove. At some point a wallis diesel stove would allow me to completely remove the propane and only use diesel and electric. I have traditionally not been a big fan of diesel stoves but a few people on this forum have convinced me otherwise.

Another motivation for this is better space utilization. Currently the hot water heater and furnance are under the fridge in a volume about 2 foot cubed. With the hydronic unit, water heater and matrix heaters I think I can get in about half the space which would give more storage for something narrow, maybe a spice rack.

I have lots of details to figure out before I do it, most importantly I want to use the truck before ripping it apart again. Its sat for 10 weeks while I redid the floor.

Sorry for rambling..



Robthebrit said:
At some point a wallis diesel stove would allow me to completely remove the propane and only use diesel and electric. I have traditionally not been a big fan of diesel stoves but a few people on this forum have convinced me otherwise.

wise decission - we have one in our 417 camper and although it wasnt cheap we think it is one of the best equipment parts we bought. We traveled over 100000 km with and only opened it once for cleaning the glow plug. Worked even at 3700 m altitude without doing any adjustment. Served us also as heating - although no match for a real diesel cab heating.

bye, Werner


you make some good points, my sink is pretty close to the heater so the waste would be minimal assuming the heater gave hot water straight away. We do have a dog.

On the other hand, my tank will stay hot for about 12 hours and its old, I am sure new ones are better. I probably don't use a tanks worth of hot water in a whole day, if I have a coolant heater and drive everyday I should be able to avoid using the propane for hot water. If I am parked up then I am using propane.

Do you have any info on camper type instant hot water heaters?



so how does that mod work? does it run out the drain? cuz that might dump grey water into your fresh water tank. or is it at the faucet? with a thermal switch? so the valve doesnt open unless the water is X degrees?


Expedition Leader
toyrunner95 said:
so how does that mod work? does it run out the drain? cuz that might dump grey water into your fresh water tank. or is it at the faucet? with a thermal switch? so the valve doesnt open unless the water is X degrees?

I assume you are talking about this mod:

Joaquin Suave said:
One of the fellows that post on ExpeditionCampers has a novel solution...He made a hose at his sink that drains back into the h20 tank, so that the fauset pours back into the tank until its up to temp.

Joaquin is referring to a post on


Tom used a sink faucet that would swing far enough that it is over the counter top. Then he put a stainless fitting in the counter top directly below the faucet (the little silver disk in the photo). The fitting has a return line that goes back to the fresh water tank. That way he can open the fitting, turn on the water, and let the water run back into the freshwater tank until the hot water arrives.

Elegant in it's simplicity.

Here's a link to the thread, if you would like to read about it. Sorry, I can't link directly to the particular post, so you'll have to scroll down about half-way to find it. Just look for the above picture.

Obviously this will not work on a pressurized system, like some campers have.

EDIT: actually, if you follow the above link, then scroll down a little farther, Tom does a better job of describing it.
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Pinz/uni Info


I was wondering, what is a realistic price tag for a Pinzgauer or unimog?
what does one do if they require maintenance as I'm sure the local auto parts store woundn't carry any parts for them? Who would be the dealer for them? Thanks Guys.

Scenic WonderRunner

pete.wilson said:

I was wondering, what is a realistic price tag for a Pinzgauer or unimog?
what does one do if they require maintenance as I'm sure the local auto parts store woundn't carry any parts for them? Who would be the dealer for them? Thanks Guys.

Just do a search............

There are lot's of peeps out there selling these now, and they have parts too.

Here is one example...........

And I might as well post this here..............

Take no offence Rob! I really like what you have done.

This link below has to be One of the most well thought out Unimog campers I have ever seen. Or at least the most detailed website for one.

More great ideas...................


My dream......when I'm done with the kids!....Is to get something like this. Rent out the house. And go take a one year tour!.....which will prolly turn into 2, 3 or more!
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Scenic WonderRunner said:
And I might as well post this here..............

Take no offence Rob! I really like what you have done.

This link below has to be One of the most well thought out Unimog campers I have ever seen. Or at least the most detailed website for one.

None take Stephens truck is fantastic (and proven).

Prices for unimogs are all over the board based on age, type of truck, type of cab, the trucks history, where it is located and how its registered.

Not many parts come from Napa but there are a number of suppliers in the US, Jim Ince at Eurotech does all MB trucks but mainly mogs, Scott Ingram at expedition imports does mogs and pinz, as does Sean at Eurotruck. Swiss army vehicles does pinz and 404 mogs.

Start a new thread if you have any specific mog questions.


Chas Stricker

It was great seeing your camper Mog at Mogfest. You've done fine work and have a great family. Hope to see you at the next one,

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