Can't find what I want so the build begins.


An update: A rather big one.....

Brantley. Born July the 12th at 4:45 pm in Portland. 6lb 7oz.
My new best friend...... Life will never be the same....


Been busy with the restoration of a tow behind for the BIG TRIP.
1959 Crestliner Buccaneer.
That and the new grandson have reduced my leisure time to nill.
Should be a good looking rig going down the road when and if I ever get out of here.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The damn thing tends to draw a crowd wherever I go.

I've been approached to build another unit similar to the first.
Who knows. There may be a few more of these on the trail in the future.
The client and I are in the process of designing a coach for a 2016 Ford F-450 Super-D with a 12' bobtail.
This will allow for 13' of floor space.
It will be a side entrance cab over arrangement.
Basically very similar to the first build , Just a bunch bigger with out the restored appliances. ( We call him Mr. Deep Pockets. )
We will be utilizing all new equipment on this build.
A 3 point bed mount , suspension aids , extended fuel tanks , Solar etc. etc.
I'll probably have to set up a new shop and hire a small crew ( 1 or 2 guys ) if I'm going to proceed with this endeavor.
My shop is to small to do this again and my time is to valuable ( to me ) . At this point in my life I'd like to play a little.
I just have to figure out what to call the damn things.
Should be a fun build.
I'll keep you posted.
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New member
Wow! What an awesome build. I just binge read the whole thing and am amazed with your craftsmanship! Hopefully one day when I'm out of the city and have a bit more space, I can take on an endeavor such as this. I hope you're getting out there and enjoying your camper with the family!




Well..... Now that my rigs are ready to hit the rode the weather has caught up to me....
Story of my life.
The new plan is to leave in early spring , hit all of the major lakes in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
The boat came out just as I have always envisioned it.

f (Custom).jpg




The boat is a fully restored 1959 Crestliner Buccaneer powered by a 1958 RDS-20 Super Seahorse.
She sits on a 1959 Gator tilt trailer.
Now all I have to do is be patient.
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Well the season is upon us. We are leaving today for a short shake down trip into the woods.
Could have picked a better weekend weather wise I guess. Hey in Oregon we take what we get right.
We will be participating in a trail system clean up in the Nicolai mountain OHV riding aria.
It's been a busy year. New grand son:
He's grandpas boy.
New knees : Had both replaced on Jan 3rd.
And now I'm ready to travel.
I will post up pics of the trip when we get back.
Have a great weekend , stay safe all........


That is a very nice skiff . Gotta appreciate all of the beautiful work that goes into a boat like that.
The trip to Nicolai was wet and muddddddddddddy all mixed with a bit of snow.
The wife is still getting used to a smaller camper so the cabin was a bit tight. Tupper ware????? Why do we need Tupper ware. I asked this after finding one of our interior cabinets full of the stuff . After sleeping with the stuff she saw the error of her ways. She has now been converted to the whole minimalist mentality. ( Just what you need and nothing else. )
All in all though the trip was a learning experience. I will be adding awnings port , starboard and aft . Having dry outdoor space is a must in bad weather. Other than that the rig worked as planned . Very warm and comfortable. The little Ford hauls it and a 1000 lb loaded trailer (Quads this time ) just fine.
We did add new tires to the mix after the trip . Mostly in preparation for the much longer planed trip around the lakes this year. I have been running 285/75/16's BFG At's with good results and will continue to do so when I need the ground clearance and grip. But for the long highway miles we plan on laying down I will be running a stock size (225/75/16 ) Master craft Courser HXt. More of an over the road tire. The rig will get better mileage and the added power will be nice. She does look funny with the little pizza cutters on her though.
More later. Happy trails.
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