Can't take the heat!


The heat in Das Bus is a killer in the summer. How are you guys blocking/dumping heat from your rigs? 97 E-450 here.


Forum search engine didn't return any results for roof vents on Das Bus. Are there any? A powered roof fan and vented windows would help quite a bit.

There are also thermal insulting paint / paint additives that can be used on the roof.

My brother says the solar on his family's live in school bus is enough to run an air conditioner through the worst parts of the day, but they are still relocating to cooler elevations after spending a couple weeks in Nashville, TN last month, about to visit Black Hills attractions.

Desert Dan

Block out some of the side windows with reflectix type of thermal barrier and maybe paint the flat part of your roof with Henry's White SolarFlex roof coating (Reflects over 85% of sun's heat and U.V.)


Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant up front next to the engine. The rear A/C unit keeps the back cool enough.
We painted the roof of our bus with this:

We did mix in the ceramic spheres, but someone over on skoolie did an experiment that showed they didn't offer any extra insulation over just the straight-up white paint. This stuff is rubbery and sealed everything up pretty nice too.

We also have a couple of maxxair roof vents on the bus.

This works pretty good for us, but we haven't used the bus in the heat of the summer - I'm reluctant to add AC and a generator, etc. We can get by 4 days off grid with just batteries right now.

The reflectix window shades seem like a good idea too - we might make some of those up. B


Are you talking when driving or parked?

My brother has the big silver sun shades for the windshield and side windows when parked.


Expedition Leader
The excessive heat production is a side benefit of your V10 engine! Lots of engine compartment insulation blankets / materials available - but you might also want to consider an internally mounted "cozy" blanket made up to fit the dog-house cover inside of the cab. They help from my experience with vans from years ago.

You also might check to see if there are heat shields missing on the exhaust system - they make a big difference and are sometimes removed by mechanics or rust away. Lots of aftermarket exhaust systems don't include them. If you have the headers off you might consider having them coated with a "jet hot" type ceramic coating which will reduce surface temperatures and will radiate less.

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