Carpet lining in truck topper?


New member
I just bought a T100 with nice tall matching fiberglass shell. I'm going to live in it long term, so I'd like to get it lined with carpet. I'm not sure of the brand, but will most places that sell them do the carpet lining work? I'm nervous about trying to do it myself because I don't want it to look like crap. Has anyone tried it or had it done? Approximately how much does it cost?


Most truck accessory places don't "do" them to begin with. It's usually a factory option that they will skillfully check mark when submitting your order form. An automotive upholstery shop would be the place to go.

I don't see any reason why you couldn't do it yourself... I know I've seen unbacked automotive carpet that's designed for pressing into inside corners and such, and Lowes/home depot have various colors of low pile outdoor carpet for less than 60 cents a square foot.


I have done it many times. I like to use a layer of closed cell foam first then the carpet. this greatly increases the insulation of the shell. it's not hard, but have you ever installed glued in carpeting? it helps if you have, one wrong cut and you are screwed. plus you are working overhead, unless you take the shell off flip it over and work this way(my recommendation). doing this also helps tremendously with condensation, virtually eliminating the morning rain. highdesertranger


You might want to search "hull liner." There's a brand name for the stuff, but I can't remember it. It's commonly used in fiberglass RV/camper ceilings. Make sure you use a spray adhesive suitable for headliners (due to heat). 3M 77 will fail once the heat gets to it. I believe 3M "80" spray adhesive is the stuff. Hull liner stretches nicely. Looks similar to carpet, but it's not.

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