Cellular amplifiers and external antennas


I was going to post a response to a thread revived from the dead by a spammer in the Computers section, but decided this was a more appropriate forum.

I recently installed a Wilson Sleek cellular amplifier and external antenna in my car, and have been quite impressed with the results. While it is not magic and can't get you cell phone service where there is truly none, I have been surprised at some of the remoter areas where I do get service using this - Robbers Roost in UT, Rabbit Valley in CO to mention just a couple. I am bit surprised that there is not more discussion of cell phone "boosters" in this community. With the combination of a good external antenna, and 10 times the power output of standard mobile phone (all for the low price of ~$80) this does appear to make the 'fringe' coverage areas usable. Secondly, it provides a nice cradle to hold my iphone, and the phone gets far less hot streaming Pandora through the amplifier than it does without.

I am a bit of an electronics geek, and do tend to do some fairly remote trips (Canadian Arctic as well as the more remote areas of the lower 48), thus carry an unreasonably large array of radio equipment - VHF/UHF 50W mobile, HT, Iridium sat phone, and of course my iphone. Of all these, the one that is by far the most versatile is the iphone. In the hypothetical situation where I could have only one of these working, I would hope it to be the iphone. Cellular voice and data is by far the most useful, with the highest and cheapest data rates and the ability to easily and cheaply contact anyone, anywhere. It seems that anything that can increase the availability of cellular service is a great investment.

A cell phone repeater has far less expo-bling than a mobile HF transciever, but in a large number of situations (obviously not all) it may be much more useful.


Thanks, that is an interesting solution. Which type of antenna are you using? The 4-inch "rubber duck" antenna looks like the best option for me (lots of forest driving), but I wonder how effective it is.


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the report. I just added Wison's 801201 wireless signal booster but have yet to determine whether it's doing me much good. In part, I have a difficult situation with the antenna; since the whole cabin is fiberglass, I had to go with a trucker's antenna with its own ground plane. Then I had to put in on a motorized mount attached to the passenger's side lip of the cabin roof so it could be lowered in the tress and raised when needed for the signal.

P1010723 attenna.JPG

So far, though, I seem to have been in places where there is enough signal or no signal. I'll learn more as I travel in other places, but I appreciate having the information that it is working well for you.


they cost a little more but the smothtalker booster is hands down the best mobile signal booster made. i have installed over 100 of them with no complaints.

That seems pretty expensive. I have wilson the 3watt model ( $160) and its amazing. I have been in many places where it goes from either no service or it shows the att icon but no bars and then shows 5 bars and I can talk or surf.

For over $300 you can get wilsons house booster which I have as well and its a life save since I have a metal roof and metal siding.


i have a Wilson in building amp with the pre amp and the flat panel antenna installed in a customers building and it will not amp up the signal of att carrier because of the 3g vs 4g systems being totally incompatible. the 3g works on a 800m spread spectrum system and the 4g is a 700m system that Wilson does not have a booster out for yet. oh and then there are the 4g upgraded sites that still work on the 800m system with a fiber upgrade. att has to be the hardest carrier to boost.i was not bashing the Wilson boosters i just have better luck with the smothetalker and the csi brands


Well 4g is a new spectrum all together for all carriers, its nor cdma(verizon) or hspa( att). Wilson does have 4g booster out but nether of my boosters handle 4g. I love in the forest so no 4g is available anyways. Maybe someday ill run into someone with a smoothtalker and give it a try.


This is not strictly true. FCC did make a ruling about cell phone boosters, however it does not go into effect until early 2014. If you already have a booster you can still use it, however in the unlikely case that your booster is identified to be causing interference you may be asked to stop using it. The FCC is not going to pursue enforcement against boosters unless they are shown to be causing interference.

From the FCC
While popular many are not legal to use without Cell company approval..

Off Duty

This is not strictly true. FCC did make a ruling about cell phone boosters, however it does not go into effect until early 2014. If you already have a booster you can still use it, however in the unlikely case that your booster is identified to be causing interference you may be asked to stop using it. The FCC is not going to pursue enforcement against boosters unless they are shown to be causing interference.

From the FCC

Going to bring this back to life for a brief moment, since I got here from a more recently posted EP comms post.

If there's anything good about our administrations inability to balance a budget, and childish "we'll pull the plug on blah, blah, blah if we don't get what we want" sequestering, it's the fact that there's simply not enough bodies around to handle everything they're tasked to do :) Thus, unless there's a HUGE problem, you're probably not going to hear a peep from the FCC.

A neighbor did have a rep from his cell carrier drop by his house, and tell him that he had to discontinue using his cell aftermarket cell booster, due to "complaints of interference in the area."
His was permanently mounted inside his home, and used all the time.

At the same time, his carrier (SPRINT) "offered" to sell him one of their "approved" units for a small monthly fee:rolleyes: (I had theirs and they suck!)

With a mobile unit, used only occasionally/remotely, I just don't see where there's a huge concern, or likely hood that they'd be able to identify you.

In the event of a SHTF or life threatening situation, are we really going to care?
My personal thought is no!

The down side to the country's budget woes, is that they are now more fervently than ever, levying fines collecting fees whenever they can.

My guess is, if they did decide to pursue, and caught you, the likelihood that the matter would be resolved without a stiff fine, would be minimal.

Your thought?


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
At the same time, his carrier (SPRINT) "offered" to sell him one of their "approved" units for a small monthly fee:rolleyes: (I had theirs and they suck!)

Interesting, I didn't realize Sprint had an official booster, do you have a link to it?

They gave me one of their AIRAVE femtocells for free with no monthly fee. It's not a booster but actually a mini cell tower that connects to my internet connection, works like a charm and the cost was right! The only issue is that it is fixed use only since it requires a wire internet connection.

Off Duty

Interesting, I didn't realize Sprint had an official booster, do you have a link to it?

They gave me one of their AIRAVE femtocells for free with no monthly fee. It's not a booster but actually a mini cell tower that connects to my internet connection, works like a charm and the cost was right! The only issue is that it is fixed use only since it requires a wire internet connection.

That's the one. They called it a "booster" to both my neighbor and myself.
Mine was free. His the rep "offered" him for a fee.

Mine didn't work for crap! :(
The bigger problem is, I travel a lot, and need something that has a more consistent signal strength. The AirRave doesn't meet that need.

I've stayed away from the big "V" due to cost and crappy customer service, but lately I'm thinking that I may have to go back! :(

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