Just an update. I had email edgestar and told them of my trouble. They called back once and I missed the call. Ive been so busy and distracted i havent called back.
Every day I walk out to the 4runner and the fridge is showing high temps and it not working. I start the truck and a few seconds later I can hear the motor turn on and the fridge cools back to set temps and works for the day. next day same. So it turns off some time in the night i guess. I think ill take the advise and run a 10gauge wire back to the fridge see if it fixes it.
Today when I checked it the yellow low voltage light was on( first time) and the temps were high. I got into the truck and my volt meter was reading 11.7 volts. I started the truck no problem and the fridge kicked on and worked like a charm. Ill run a wire and see how that goes then give edgestar a call and see if they have any advise.
Your car's battery should be well above 12 volts. At 11.7 you have a poor battery or alternator. With any losses in wiring back to your fridge it will get something less than 11.7 volts. I'm betting that the fridge is fine and will work fine if you give it a good power source.