Cheap N Easy - Action Packet Compartmentalization


The humble Action Packer is used by nearly everyone at some point in their camping campaigns. Most people simply stuff what ever odds and ends they have and clasp it shut.

After my last camping trip at the PNW Overland Expo I decided to that this method of stuffing and overloading a plastic tub with no regard for the safety and well being of my precious food had to end. It was time for COMPARTMENTALIZATION.(Que Good Eats theme music)

Working at Pepsi Cola of Lewiston, ID(one of only 90 independent franchises left in the US) we have racks and racks of synthetic cardboard that we use for waterproof and cheap signage outside of grocery and convenience stores. You have probably seen this stuff and not given it a second though. You are surely overlooking a cheap and plentiful resource that has endless opportunities bound only by your creative conscious.

First off you need to procure this stiff corrugated board. Your best bet is to ask a Pepsi Presalesman in a store(the handheld computer is a dead giveaway) or better yet asking a small grocery or convenience store manager for a used one when they are done. (Remember most these people can be bribed with beer) If all else fails call the local Pepsi Plant and ask if they have any left with the old logo on it.

That's the hard part , after that its a simple arts and crafts project with duct tape and zip ties. But the end result will save you from a life time of crushed hotdog buns and broken dreams.(maybe)


The end result.


A cross section of this magical material.

Next project - Center console compartmentalization.
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New member

I had been pondering this same idea and hadn't thought to look into old signage. Thanks for posting up. Great zip tie and duck tape execution too!


Very practical, simple, inexpensive and useful idea/execution. Action Packers are not sexy enough to get much positive run on this forum and detractors are quick to point out their shortcomings. Detractors aside, there are a great many of us who rely on $25 Action Packers instead of $250 Zarges cases for our activities. Thanks for posting up this solution. Elegant in its simplicity and economy. You've inspired me to duplicate (shamelessly steal) your idea for my own pack out.


Doesn't Get Out Enough
^^x2. And this might help me reduce the weight of my 24gal ActionPackers by being more deliberate about packing. The 8gal are sized in a 'it fits in there or it doesn't' kind of way, but I tend to overload the 24gal ones.


This method can be expanded to any storage case. I have one of the large walmart special foot lockers, and I can see doing something like this. Thanks for spurring the creative juices!


Thanks for posting a great idea.I am one of those people that has not only expensive Pelican cases and now Zarges cases but good old Action Packers. I have been saving the big pieces of corrugated plastic used in election signs (some of them are 1/2 a metre by 1 metre in size) for years and my application has been to repair field toilets (the walls and roofs) found on Crown Land near hot spots. Your application is pretty cool too!:coffee:

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