Conservation News Updated (2/28)



Great write-up! I really appreciate your thought-provoking read. It seems like most of the reporting we here in these parts is reactionary and/or politicized.

I must admit, the more I think about your money drop idea the more I think that it would probably work!


Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
Thanks for the comments, guys.

The other day when the cold front was blowing through, we had five immigrants show up at our house; two men and three women. They seemed to be an extended family, and had come from Yucatan, if you can imagine. But one woman had injured herself, and they thought they were near Phoenix (we're 40 miles southwest of Tucson). They were already discouraged, but when we showed them where they were on the map they just wanted to be picked up by the Border Patrol. Very sad.

You can hate the immigration, but you can't hate the immigrants if you meet them face to face. There are certainly some criminals, just like in any population, but the majority are just looking for a better life.

Until corruption in the Mexican government is crushed, very little will change.

Scott Brady

The irony is interesting:

We are working so hard to travel to a place like the Yucatan, yet these people are risking their life to come here...


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Good point, Scott -

There was an additional layer of irony, too. What Jonathan didn't mention was that the injured woman was 3 months pregnant. I found out that she was pregnant because I made coffee for them all, and when I tried to serve the young woman, her mother or aunt stopped me and said, "No caffeine - she's pregnant."

It was one of those moments where you just go :Wow1: . I blinked, stared, blinked again. Um, you just walked for 2-3 days across a wilderness with no water or food, got lost with a big snowstorm approaching, and you're worried about a little caffeine?

(I won't get into the politics of WHY she was travelling HERE being pregnant . . . presumably to give birth at their destination: Oakland.):(


Interesting article...

JD Hayworth seems to have a good perspective on this situation. You folks in Arizona probably know more about him than I as he is a Rep. from your state. He gave brief mention of the environmental problems and really hit the nail on the head with regards to the Mexican government.

I spent 18 months as a site coordinator for warehouse construction and worked alongside quite a few illegal immigrants. Quite a few of the men were in the country without their families, sending their paychecks back home to their wives and children. I feel the utmost compassion for them. Jonathan, you are very correct about not being able to hate the immigrant face to face.

I just want our country to have enforced immigration laws. The laws we haven't are bad, the lack of enforcement is. I'm all for immigration! Heck, most all of us are products of immigration to the US. It just needs to be done lawfully for protection of our citizens, our economy, and our country.

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