Cooking with bears

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
I heard on the radio this morning that bears have a 20,000 calorie daily intake requirement.

Another thing you have to remember is that its not just food you need to keep secure, anything scented like soap and shampoo will attract them. I've even heard that batteries do but I'm not sure if that is true or not.


I tie my blood hound to the truck with the food in it. Nothing comes into camp without him letting me know it, usually he uses a low deep rumble not even a growl really, but that is for small fury stuff like raccoons. Never had anything big come in.


Photographer in the Wild
Not to criticize but that sort of thing is why we have a problem with bears. Once they taste food or trash that we NEGLECTED to keep away from them, they keep coming back, losing their fear of humans.

before you say something like this maybe you should know the entire story... I did not invite the bear to eat donuts next to my head while I was a sleep. Nor did I leave the donuts out where the bear could get them. The Bear proof storage container built by the dept of forestry was not very bear proof and in a camp down the way from us a bear was able to rip into the box take the donuts and while the guy with a license plate frame that reads "SFToyota" trembled in his tent, the bear made his way toward us. If you notice in my advise to the OP i mention putting food away before bed. Before you ASSUME, have the facts.


Photographer in the Wild
They're tough and gamey so it's best to do it slow in a smoker or a crock pot.

I think that was cooking with bears not cooking bears :D
I never have enjoyed bear steak but bear burger makes some stellar spaghetti and of course bear jerky, and bear sticks is awesome!!! I prefer deer/elk/antelope/eagle lake trout to bear so my other buddies usually give me a few lbs of jerky or burger each year. usually in exchange for the eagle lake trout...


I do lots of camping in bear country. Black and grizzly. There are a few things people don't consider.
-garbage, it doesn't mater if all your food is secure if your garbage smells it will attract bears. Burn it. even empty beer cans.
-Dish water and dirty dishes also stink. Keep them clean and get rid of the water far enough away from camp.
-locking or latching coolers help keep smells down.
-a dog in camp helps too.


Dream it build it
I never cook with bears they tend to either rush the cooking burning the food or over sample resulting in almost no food when the meal is finally cook and ready to eat.

Depends on where you are and if the bears are habituated to human food or not.

Most places I camp the bears are not habituated and if you keep the camp clean, and food secure you have little worry.

Biggest problem I have had with bears is using a BBQ or fire in the fall and the smells attracting a rather large black bear that chased off easily.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
before you say something like this maybe you should know the entire story... I did not invite the bear to eat donuts next to my head while I was a sleep. Nor did I leave the donuts out where the bear could get them. The Bear proof storage container built by the dept of forestry was not very bear proof and in a camp down the way from us a bear was able to rip into the box take the donuts and while the guy with a license plate frame that reads "SFToyota" trembled in his tent, the bear made his way toward us. If you notice in my advise to the OP i mention putting food away before bed. Before you ASSUME, have the facts.

I NEVER said you did anything wrong. But a bear eating donuts is a problem. Somebody made a mistake along the way, whether it was the owner of the donuts or the installer of a crappy bear box.


Expedition Leader
Bears are a pretty sizable problem in the Sierra Mountains. Most developed camping areas have metal bear boxes and require you to use them...and for good reason. Bears can peel open a car like a banana, so storing stuff in the car is pretty bad idea. A good sealed container for dry foods, chilled foods, and food remnants (trash) is really important if you are in an undeveloped site. The Yeti coolers are popular because they are really good, and USFS approved as bear proof. Another device that can be used some success is an electricfied fence around your campsite. There's been a few folks here on ExPo who use them. I did a quick search and found quite a lot of discussion threads related to this. Here is a few:



Photographer in the Wild
couldn't help myself here. the bear in the SUV is priceless

Honestly to the OP, I am from Vina Ca in northern cali and have camped in every place from Yosemite in Ca to Mt Bachelor in Or, and never had any safety issues with black bear. I am also a sportsmen that has hunted in several states with out any major issues with Black Bear. Thats a different story in Idaho where I was followed by a big she bear that was not a black bear :D
There are many people who go over board with bear "precautions" that have never really dealt with bears at all. They read things on forums like this and instantly feel the need to follow one or two peoples advise regardless of those people actual experiences.
The simple answer here is plain, don't be a slob, and put your stuff away where a bear is not going to reach it.
Let me know where your camping so I can cook some fish next door. :D J/K oh and if I pee on any ones electric fence I am gonna be extremely angry. :sunny:


... The Bear proof storage container built by the dept of forestry was not very bear proof and in a camp down the way from us a bear was able to rip into the box take the donuts ...

I would be really upset if a bear stole my donuts! :violent-smiley-031:

We had bear roast for Christmas dinner this last year. Someone shot a 500 lb black bear near my brother's farm. My dad can't keep them out of his bird feeders. Worse than the squirrels!

Rules for dealing with bear:

If it is a black bear, make a lot of noise (bang pots & pans, yell, etc.) to scare it away.

If it is a grizzly, roll up on the ground and play dead until you are. :eek:


Photographer in the Wild
I would be really upset if a bear stole my donuts! :violent-smiley-031:

Worse than the squirrels!

Rules for dealing with bear:
If it is a grizzly, roll up on the ground and play dead until you are. :eek:

ROTFLMAO oh dude thats funny
swear dude that dang bear sat and ate those donuts right next to me. I had elected to sleep on a cot outside since my parents trailer was full. it was summer, it was hot out... no prob right? ol black yogi decides to sit and eat those hostess jelly filled donuts 3 ft from my head, and I am a snorer... go figure


New member
Thanks for the replies!

I learned a bit and you confirmed some things for me. I think a kitchen that detaches and can be kept away from the tent/camp would be a good way to go. I really like the electric fence idea and will be getting bear spray before camping in bear country again.

Corey, I regret to inform you that the slurry of boogers and beer that shot out of my nose when I saw that little masterpiece of yours missed my laptop completely. Good job none the less.



OverCamping Specialist
Just saw a thread over at fjcruiserforums about coolers in a rig, and a link was provided to this video.

Bear Feeding Frenzy

Once the video is over, another bear video will start.

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