Cool expo Hummer

Sleeping Dog

Bench seats

Lynn said:
Interesting that it has the double bench seats in the back, with no sleeping area or kitchen.

Wonder if it came from one of those hummer tour companies? Maybe the ones that run out in the Nevada desert?

Or for shepherding bachelor parties to gentleman's clubs.



Love the HUMMER for an expedition vehicle, just gotta leave that camper though.......

Wish they still made the Hummer H1, it was the only real Hummer in my book.


New member
AM general still makes K12 series trucks. [Fleet order H1's, usually for government or large corperations] from time to time.

West covina hummer has 5-10[?] 2007 Model year fleet trucks for sale to the public which is rare, but they have a huge markup on them so they're not moving.

You'll see border patrol h1's pop up from time to time, they're usually white h1's with the large enclosure that Ron B posted.

There was 2 for sale in LA for about 40-50,000$ last year.

Lynch Hummer has a fleet white pickup for sale now:

Hummer pickups are especially rare, especially newer ones like these since they were stopped in 2000 or 2001 for general production. Theres only a few hundred total produced.

On the other hand I've seen 2 guys pick up 2 92-95 h1 pickups for 15 grand, but they needed a little work.


Just entered a HOPE touch a truck event. The BLM firetruck (still smells like new) was there, a 12K, built in Nov. 06, taken into service July 08. With 250 Gallons of water on board, its a workhorse.


Expedition Leader
Home of Hummers

The H3 are (were) manufactured in Louisiana and South Africa. The South African models having the advantage of being available with wrong hand drive and with a diesel engine.

The irony of the H2 for real, overseas (as opposed to US mall crawling) use is that it is actually too small for a good expedition vehicle. The rear overland is so short that you lose a lot of storage space. The Tahoe is actually a better shape, but does not come from the factory with the tire size, space, or travel.

H2's sometimes look silly in the US, but the the ones I have seen in Africa look right at home. Go figure.

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