Cool XJ tool box repurpose..


Expedition Leader
I'm not sure if this guy makes and sells these or what but I thought it was a really cool use of space. :)


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That is very cool. There where OEM boxes like that made out of plastic. I've only seen them on Ebay but they bonny look as useful as this.


Expedition Leader
Yeah... I remember the plastic factory ones. Were not all that great like a lot of the AMC era factory offerings. This just strikes me as a neat idea...and since over a hundred folks have looked and we are the only comments I suppose we are the odd balls.?. :)


Frankly it looks a bit too expensive for me. Very cool but I would guess maybe $300. I would make it about $100 cool by my pocket book. I'd love to see a source.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
That's awesome! My XJ had a sub/woofer/whatever speaker thingy installed in that spot by a PO (I liked the stereo system, I just wouldn't build one myself)

I have seen tool boxes like that for small truck beds, (full size truck ones are more common)

It looks like he may have sourced one, and cut the back out to accommodate the XJ's space.

Great idea!!


Expedition Leader
That's what I was thinking. I haven't heard a back story on it yet but I hope to. I can imagine finding one at a garage sale or Harbor Freight or whatever, cutting it up to fit and there you are. Cheap, more secure than a plastic one, and all DIY. I'm thinking along the same lines based on some that I pulled out of the dumpster here in Germany.. I'll let you know how it goes. :)


there's a guy on cherokee forum that makes them, i think he sells them for around 200. He hasn't made any in awhile but apparently he's gonna start producing them again. maybe even one for the passenger side.


Expedition Leader
there's a guy on cherokee forum that makes them, i think he sells them for around 200. He hasn't made any in awhile but apparently he's gonna start producing them again. maybe even one for the passenger side.

yeah... That's where I saw this (and stole the pictures. He has a neat idea IMHO. Downside to an idea like this is if he stops making them, anyone else can. I don't want to steal his thunder and fully give him all the credit. I do think I will be modifying my own tool boxes I scored for free to something sorta similar. That's the nice thing about this idea, the boxes are steel so they can be cut, reshaped, welded, and modified however the need dictates. :)

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