Cooler test


Expedition Leader
Interesting, it appears the only cooler that had more ice left in it than the Coleman was the IRP model. Even more interesting is that they did not use the Coleman Ultimate Extreme Marine model that keeps ice even longer and is better built than the regular Extreme. So it would appear that the Yeti doesn't hold ice as well as the Coleman in the test. But hey, at least you can get your money's worth when you spend $400 for a cooler that will withstand that one in a million bear attack....


New member
From the research I've done on coolers the shortcoming of most of the high end coolers is that although they have 2" of insulation on the sides and lid they only have 1" of insulation on the bottom. Being that any chain is only as storng as it's weakest link; the 1" bottoms seems to be enough to level the playing field with the more resonably priced coolers. Seems like the high end guys would correct this but I guess image is more important to them than performance.


The Engle coolers are 2" all around. That said I learned a lot about how to keep things cold after I bought mine. If I had known through simple tricks of block ice, pre cooling the cooler and packing 1/2 to 3/4 of the volume with ice.... I probably could get by with a much cheaper cooler.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: I used my Coleman for a cou;le three day trips to the Sierras--in Sept/Oct and a couple days we had 70° temps-

The white one-


:sombrero: Everybody has a test-

My teas for the ENGEL has lased 3 years, but it's a 40qt 12vdc and when I put the ice at the bottom--it won't melt-

I use a coleman ice cooler for a weekend trip and it's pretty good and cheap !

Depends on how much you wanna spend and howlong you wanna stay !!

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO

In the summer I found that by using a block of ice at each end (internal), it would stay "ICE" cold for up to 5 days, without the ice melting--(3"x6"x10" blocks)-will keep milk/juice/soda/"stuff" cold-heh heh, no I don't know what the temps inside were-

Now if you have little kids, it might not work-it's been proven that a mass of ice cubes will melt much faster than the same weight of "ice block", because of more surface area exposed to ambient temps !

The ENGEL never fails, but sometimes you need "MORE COOLER"

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO
Another vote for the Engel Marine Cooler. I think I may have replaced a latch once. Otherwise indestructible. Costs like sin. Bear videos are just marketing because the bear has already destroyed your vehicle getting the cooler out.

Roger M.

Bad practice to store your cooler inside your vehicle in bear country!
An all too common misconception is that the bear-proof cooler requirements in places like Yosemite and similar parks are for “you” in order to preserve your food, when they’re really intended to prevent the bear from accessing human food from a campsite - after which they are usually required to be killed by wildlife officers or park rangers.

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