Corax's 1st gen RN61 4runner


1 month to the Oregon Trail Rally and I finally got my door numbers on :D


2012 Oregon Trail Rally

Back and still recovering from an awesome rally weekend in the PNW, and I have some videos that I just need to edit up a little bit before I share (including some HD dash cam running at speed down course). This weekend I was driving sweep 995 and was assigned 1 stage start and 2 spectator areas.

Heard a lot of great stories this weekend, here's one from Matt Johnston's rally documentary Kickstarter page: "Cody Crane is here. His first Stage rally in 2 years. Last time he was at this event he finished second, and blazed just about everyone else. This year, he could only afford to do one day of the event. Rumor is his fellow competitors all got together, pooled their cash and paid for his second entry fee. So most likely, his competitors paid for him to beat them. That's rally. It isn't your average sport. Let's tell more of those stories." It started with Cody's FB post 1 week before the rally, "Anyone want to let me race for them at oregon trail? I'm fine with just running at p.i.r thats cool" He finished 1st in Group 2 and 8th overall - his Friday codriver was the guy that donated 4 new gravel tires ("ill still sport you a couple tires, only if you promise to tear the ever living **** out of them so I can mount one on my wall" - and after he lost the front bumper, the Sweep Captain brought it to the awards banquet for him

Here's Cody ringing it out on the back stretch @ Portland International Raceway:

Brakim Racing gets mad props for Pressing On Regardless, as Wyatt Know (team captain, turned co-driver when the original stepped down) tells it, "02:30 pacific. 05:30 our time. After the wreck, we were in dire need of many Dodge Neon parts. Seeing as it was around 8pm, Saturday, and a Mexican drinking holiday of some sort, we did the only reasonable thing... We bought a $500 Neon off Craigslist, showed up in the guy's driveway, and unleashed 5 mechanics on it. It wasn't long before our new hood, windshield, fenders, bumper, radiator, manifold, and everything else we needed was in the van and we were out of there. His neighbors are going to freak out in the morning for sure. In the middle of what we are sure will be an all-night reprep on the rally car back at the house, our co-driver decides that he has enjoyed his foray into rallying but has no interest in continuing. So I'm handing my team manager crown off for a helmet, if I go to bed now I should have 3 hrs of sleep before the drive to tomorrow's stages. Good fast stuff up in the hills near Mt Hood. If the car gets finished. And still drives fairly straight down the road. Rally On."
and then the next day the driver posted, "All I can say is that I feel we should rename the team to POR... After this weekend I feel that POR (Press on regardless) sums up the team we have it was a crazy weekend, We got second place in class on the first day (could have got first but we had to pass two cars eheheheh) on the second day we were in first place in our class by over 3 minutes after passing two WRX's in our little neon ehehheh but well they got the last laugh as we literally flew off a cliff at 46MPH (all on camera) and hit a tree which luckily and barely kept us from flying off the cliff for a little tumble to the nearest ledge a few hundred feet below but it didn't hurt a bit with all of our safety equipment we couldn't even feel it, the tumble would have been fine too although not preferred eheh after that wreck everyone thought the car was done for the weekend except out team, they bought a neon on craigslist and spent 3 hours tearing it apart in the old owners driveway scavenging all of the MANY parts we needed off of it and they got it running the best they could, with wyatt knox in the passenger seat as the ************ he is we pushed on to the first stage of the day with the car going well over normal temperatures and we started the first stage quick with a great stall lol I've never stalled a car in first gear I don't think and no clue what happened but it happened maybe it was a sign because after that great start we pushed hard into the first mile of the course only to watch the hood fly back and smash the windshield at highhh speeds but we never lifted off the gas I pushed on full throttle looking through a 4 inch hole in the windshield (all on video no worries lol) after about a mile of that wide open the car overheated and we almost blew the engine we tried to fix it and continue (POR!!!!) but the safety crew refused to let us continue the race without a windshield (panzys lol jk) we did everything we could and had a GREAT TIME DOING IT! win or lose it was an adventure and we're going to repeat it at STPR in 3 weeks (we might also euro rallycross in jersey in 1.5 weeks so watch our enemy vehicles ehheh jk) what.a.ride."
hood flies open @ 1:38: Oregon Trail National Rally Car #11 Major Hood/Engine Issues

Here are the Rally America videos:
Day 1
Day 2
(I'll post Day 3 once it's released)

Links to some pics:
Rally America gallery
Shelby Starbuck @ Upper North
Waterman At Work blog
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While I've been a bit busy working on my '85 Celica "nothing pretty" rallycross project, I finally got around to bending up the headlight guards so I thought I'd update this thread. I have one month to get a few more things in order before Olympus Rally in Washington state, so the 'runner will be getting a bit of love in the coming weeks


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Here's one from the Olympus Rally last month near Shelton, WA. The 'runner really likes high speed gravel, but I never expected how much rubber gets worn off the tires. 2 weeks till Mt Hood Rally and more Sweep duties


Here's a quick video of a simple yank out of a ditch. IIRC, the back story was that #509's engine was running hot. The driver asked his co-driver how far it was to the finish so he could decide whether to push it or back off. In the intervening time they ran up on this turn and the choice was to hit the berm sideways and possibly roll / damage the car or park it in the ditch.



pics my friend Chris Daley took at the Mt Hood Rally where I was Sweep #995. This was my 4th rally as a sweep driver :D

On the way out to Hood River after work on Friday

at camp, cooking breakfast on the tailgate before heading out for the day

Stage 3 Fir Mountain, flat towing a Subie with a smoked clutch off stage and back to Service

and another video


Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
Haven't been on much lately and did not see your thread. Enjoyed reading it. Lot of ideas I haven't through t of and will likely put in mine if I get back to playing with it. Really liked that LS front diff tip.

Let me add a few things to your brake upgrades from when I did mine. In 92 the V6 4runner was available with 31 inch tires. Likely the same larger calipers as the T100. Same front suspension as the first Gen and the T100 is pretty darn close if not the same on a wider frame. When I did my conversion I just asked for all the parts for a 92 4Runner V6 31 inch tire option and it was all plug and play with once I modified the dust shield.
Here is where the difference comes on. 4cyl brake pad verses V6 31 tire option.


As for the master. Again the V6 31 tire ran the same Master as the FJ80. Marlin stocks two that will work and really about as good of price as you will find since it comes with the reservoir. 1in bore.

The Peddle pressure again the V6 31 tire option Booster is a double diaphragm unit and will soften the peddle up and fit the truck.

Look forward to your next mods.


pics my friend Chris Daley took at the Mt Hood Rally where I was Sweep #995. This was my 4th rally as a sweep driver :D
I've been wanting to check out the Oregon Rally for quite awhile. I really want to screw together a budget (haha) rally car. I came across this thread because I have an 88 4Runner too, and I'm definitely adding some Expo elements to it.


I've been wanting to check out the Oregon Rally for quite awhile. I really want to screw together a budget (haha) rally car. I came across this thread because I have an 88 4Runner too, and I'm definitely adding some Expo elements to it.

Where are you in Oregon? You can always skip the full rally build and hit up the rallycrosses that the awesome peeps at Oregon Rally Group put on - it'll get you in the dirt quicker + ORG just got permission for a new venue in Vancouver WA that is HUGE. Let me know if you want more info.

This is my other project vehicle at the new ORG venue - - it was raining for a few days before the event & the mud had the consistency of wet cement

Brett Foster

New member
your truck is rad!
I just read this whole thread.
I am having this baby checked out at the moment and hope it will be mine this week!:


Expedition Leader
Dam Keith you've been busy aye... Were you up at the Mt. Hood Rally this year (2013)??? I was looking for you as I got roped into driving my uncles MKI Rabbit for him after he had a knee injury. Had a blast and I'm likely going to be driving it all of 2014 for him as well. I'm building a 1KZ-TE powered 2nd Gen this year for a support/trailer rig and I'm actually looking to maybe sell off my own MKI's for a Celica All-Trac Turbo that I've been offered so I can play with the big boys instead of just worrying them ;)

Hope all is well with you mate.




On that note, here's one driving Sweep/Recovery again from the Nameless Rally in/around Shelton, WA

haven't been exploring as much as I would like lately . . . still getting out in the dirt though

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