CVT Summit Series discussion



*cough* -smaller- *cough*
*cough* -no overhang with annex on kukenam- *cough*
*cough* -lighter fabric- *cough*
*cough* -lighter rainfly- *cough*
*cough* -led's- *cough*
*cough* -usb's- *cough*

Sorry my allergies were kicked up, now that that's out of the way this wasn't meant to be a us vs them sort of thread. I have chosen the CVT and that's what this was supposed to highlight. I have nothing against the Tempui's or any other brand but for me I wanted a larger tent with overhang and annex that they didn't offer.


lol. You crack me up.
This is 100% a rip off of the ruggedized line offered by Tepui.

I don't want to make this an "us" vs "them" thread. Please take the below comments understanding I mean no disrespect. But let's break it down.

It is always good there is competition in the market place, but let's look at the specs before we spread misinformation.
For the specs below, we will compare the Extended Summit Series to the Tepui Autana Ruggedized as they both provide an overhang AND an annex.

Tepui Autana Ruggedized is 355,264 cubic inches
CVT Extended Summit has a range: smallest is 263,424 to 409,248 cubic inches
Summary --> A person can't say the Tepui version is smaller as there are many sizes based on needs of the user. CVT is both smaller and larger.

No overhang with annex on the Kukenam?
Correct... That's what the Autana is for...
Additionally, there is no overhang on the "Standard" Summit Series.
If we are going to "compare" models, use the most "similar" model instead of picking and choosing what best fits your argument best.

Lighter fabric?
lol. Ok.
Tepui Ruggedized use: Tent/Annex: 360g Polyester Cotton (canvas)
CVT Summit: Tent/Annex: 380G Poly-cotton Canvas
20g advantage to CVT
I have no idea how much of a difference 20g will make in the real world. Maybe this is a big difference? Seriously, I have no idea.

Lighter Rainfly?
Tepui Ruggedized Rainfly: 420D
CVT Summit Rainfly: 600D

ummm... Yup, CVT wins (I guess).
I don't want electronics hard wired into my tent!
The idea my tent needs a battery source is ridiculous! <--One man's opinion.

Identical for both: 2.5" Foam

Ladder length?
Tepui Autana Ruggedized: 102"
CVT Extended Summit Series: 90.5"

Tepui Ruggedized: Orange, Grey, Olive Green
CVT Summit Series: Lime Green

Time on market (roughly):
Tepui Ruggedized: 1.5 years (+/- 6 months iirc)
CVT Summit Series: Now(ish)

Tepui Autana Ruggedized:$2,125
CVT Extended Summit Series (Range, due to size differences): Small: $2,195; Medium;$2,495; Large $2,895

Pick your poison.
If CVT is your selection, go for it! I just want to compare apples to apples.


:sombrero: All valid points. I mentioned in my first post I was looking at the McKinley which is the largest RTT that I know of for my family. The Autana is ~30" narrower than a McKinley and a Kukenam being the closest size wise is still ~15" narrower.

Totally a knock off. Apparently CVT recognized a good idea when they saw one.

I've yet to understand why any of these brands decided that a black rainfly was a good idea? :eek:


Hell if I know.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have the Kukenam Ruggedized in Grey.
The Rain fly is a dark blue... might as well be black.

I suppose they have their reasons.

I get your point, you need the biggest, and CVT seems to be aligned to deliver for your needs.
I am interested to see trip reports / reviews of these new CVT Summits once they hit the market.
Good luck man! Keep us posted.


I have the Tepui Gran Sabana Ruggedized. I love everything about it besides one thing. Every time it rains a lot you have to empty the accumulation of water on the overhang above the ladder. CVT takes the cake on their idea by installing the two poles. I really like that idea.

The USB and shoe holders seem stupid to me. Whenever I camp, and have wet shoes, I tie the laces together and hang it on the ladder. It works fine. I also wouldn't want to hardwire electricity to my RTT as I take it off when I'm not overlanding. That's what flashlights are for.

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Box Rocket

Well-known member
FYI, Tepui has also offered a Ruggedized Gran Sabana with a full 8x6' sleeping area (sleeps 4) along with the overhang and massive annex. These have been a limited edition special run last year and again this year but have proven to be very popular so it's likely that they will be restocked again for a second run this year.
Happy Camping.


Matt Nooblander
Definitely tough to find any first hand reviews on the Summit Series right now, but got a really favorable rundown on them from our parts supplier who has tried a lot of different models.

So we decided to do a comparison for our trip to Alaska this summer. We ordered two tents: One is a standard Mt. Shasta, and one is a Summit Series Mt. Bachelor.

So I'll report back here with a side by side comparison as soon as they get delivered.

Then we'll be using them every day for 3 weeks in Alaska starting in July, so we'll be able to let everyone here know how they compare over the course of a longer trip with daily use.


Not summit series related but now that CVT has posted their new website it looks like some names have changed. The Mt McKinley is now the Mt. Denali (extended or standard) (summit series or regular).


It doesn't matter if the supplier keeps screwing up the orders and making them wrong. I was expecting a 48" extended on this shipment and no deal. I really like the Summit series but the constant stream of screw UPS are trying my patience


Matt Nooblander
CVT Summit Series First Impressions

Finally managed to get away for a weekend with the new Mt. Shasta Summit Series.

Unfortunately for the fishing trip it poured rain. Fortunately for testing the tent, the weather couldn't have been better.

I'm honestly really impressed with this tent. I've done a full write up here:

But here's the highlights.

The 380g ripstop on this thing is incredibly heavy duty. I couldn't find a single weak spot in the seams or waterproofing. The rain fly kept the water out in an incredible storm, even with the door wide open.

I love the waterproof mattress cover. It made crawling up to get changed out of wet clothes no big deal. Move the bedding out of the way. Get changed. Quick wipe with a towel, and you're set.

Would a normal RTT have held up in that storm? Probably. But there was zero doubt in my mind that this thing was keeping the weather out. I'd love to say I slept soundly all night, but had to keep getting up to help patch other ground tents back together.

Having said that, there's definitely a few things that need work and should be easily adjusted in future production runs. Grommets on the rain fly are weak and need better reinforcement, and the final tie down straps need to have the ends seared from the factory to make them easier to thread through the buckles. Both are things I can fix, but for paying a premium, I shouldn't have to.

The light, USB ports, and shoe bags are totally unnecessary add ons, but what you're really paying for the heavier duty floor and canvas. Those are just there to make you feel like you really got something fancy. I actually used all three though. Not going to argue with perks.

I'll update after I put it through it's paces for 3 straight weeks, but so far so good.

Update: CVT just told me that they've already addressed the minor issues for future production runs, so if you're ordering one now, you should be fine.
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