Das Bus


So I've been looking for a good platform off and on for a few years to build an adventure rig out of and have been Goldilocks about it. Somethings are too big(expensive), somethings are too small, but I think I've found something finally that is just right. I'm from Colorado but currently working in Pennsylvania and I noticed an older, but VERY clean 24 passenger bus sitting at a small used car dealership I had been driving past every day for work. I stopped one morning to investigate and what I found was a 1997 E-450 V-10 with 22,000 miles on it. The whole rig is in immaculate condition. Full service records for everything that's ever been done to it.

I'm posting this here as it's definitely much more substantial and will be more customized that a van, but I will be converting it to 4WD like is common with the E-350 rigs. I'm hoping to get that process started within the next few weeks and have it fully functional by mid fall. I will be using it as a photography/snowboarding/mountain biking rig, and a general off road camp vehicle when I have the family with me. I'm going to keep the interior fairly minimal and modular as I'll be storing various toys at various times that will take up different amounts of space. Looking to do a simple shower, a portable toilet, and a small kitchen. Beyond that I'll have plenty of storage for gear.

We started this weekend by yanking some seats out and taking down the racks on the side. We shortened the rack on the drivers side to make way for the bed.

We built a frame and hinged it. It's mounted over the drivers seat, and will lift up while traveling and will lower it for sleeping.

The support legs swing up for storage. We're still working on exactly how we will hold the bed in place and will get that done this weekend.

That's it for now. I'm slammed with work, but luckily my friend is one of those guys that can scheme and build anything, so I'm taking advantage of having his help for the next few weeks and we're going to try to bust out as much of the interior as we can. I'm definitely open to any suggestions that anyone here might have as well. Thanks!


Awesome platform to start with. I've been amazed at how cheap I've seen higher mileage examples go for. Yours looks cherry! Not many suggestions here other than try to reuse as much of the original stuff as possible to cut down on time and expense. Get out and start using it and figure out the interior redesign after some experience. For example, the overhead racks. They're good to go, just add some cargo nets to the front to keep things contained. You can see through the nets instead of having to open doors. Clear plastic bins the appropriate size could make nice pullout boxes for the little stuff. Easy to identify the right box if you can see through it.


Bed platform is mostly done. Just need to finish painting it and making the brackets to hang it from on the roof. Queen sized bed.

Got rid of all the incandescent bulbs and swapped in some really nice LED's I found on Amazon. MUCH brighter, and a fraction on the power draw. I'm a fan.



Expedition Leader
Very nice. Along with many others, I'll look forward to your progress. Plenty of space to make everyone envious of all the things you can carry.


Got the bed locked up for travel and for evenings in the bus.

I decided to go with some heavy duty insulation. I cut out the windows with a beveled edge so I can put them into place in the evenings.

I'm adding some exterior lights that are extendable, as I plan on getting up on the roof rack and hanging out up there when the weather is nice.

I'm currently working on the solar/battery/wiring set up. Once that's done, I will finalize the insulation and finish it off with some nice vinyl wall coverings and paint.


This Space For Rent
Neat idea on the telescoping light pole. Is the wire for the additional extended length stored within the pole? Does it collapse easily without binding on the wiring?



Thanks. It's a heavy duty coil cord. It's about 6 feet long when coiled, and will extend to about 22 feet. It works pretty smoothly so far.


Expedition Leader
Thanks. It's a heavy duty coil cord. It's about 6 feet long when coiled, and will extend to about 22 feet. It works pretty smoothly so far.

Is that an off the shelf telescoping light or something you made up? Would be nice not having lights in your face at night.


I found it on Amazon. It's a 30' window washing pole. It wasn't cheap, but it's VERY stout, and perfect for what I was looking to accomplish. I want to be able to turn the lights 180 degrees and have them light up the roof rack for evenings we want to spend some time hang out up there.

Roof rack is coming along nicely as well.



Testing some various layouts

Battery bank

I'm going with Formica laminate sheets as my covering on my insulation. Not this pattern, but a darker gray.



When those batteries die in the future if you use 2 volt or 6 volt batteries in series they will all charge equally and drain equally.


Tail-End Charlie
Cool build!
cant really see how they are wired but it sort of looks like the three positives are wired in together making 18 volt? (parallel)

It'd be 3 series strings of 2 x 6v in series, and then the three strings paralleled for 12v.

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