Delorme InReach now connects to iOS devices



About the new InReach....

At $250, I thought the InReach w/IOS support was a cool product and probably worth the money.
When I looked at the online price at REI and saw it is on sale for $199, I thought it was a great deal.
And when I discovered an additional $50 rebate if purchased before 5/31 at REI, I feel like I'm getting the smoking deal.

Seriously, the product just came out and the best price of $149 is at REI of all places. Ordering one from Delorme is $249.
I'm sure thier intent was to mark down the old version and blow them out, not bleeding edge tech. Jump on this deal before the bean counters at REI figure out how bad they screwed up :)


Are there anybody using this new locator? Curious how it works especially the two way messaging feature.


I just picked up the new version and plan on using it this weekend. Will report back on the 2way messaging.

One of the nice things so far...It serves up GPS data to my iPod, eliminating the need for my bluetooth GPS that I just bought a few weeks ago :( I stuck it in the seat pocket today and drove accross town. Tracks real nice. The GPS stream can then be used in Delorme's App for moving map over their topos/street maps, which is excellent since I already use their maps with my PN30. The topos are just like thier desktop software and look very nice on the iPad. Additionally, the GPS stream is available to any location aware Apps like the Motion X GPS I've been using for the past month or so and google maps.

iPad + InReach = killer nav display w/text messaging anywhere. I might buy an iphone to replace my hiking GPS if they build in more app features.

Some initial wishes...
For Delorme to add some features in their app like those found in Motion X and those on my PN30 (like layering different map data).
Since the iPad doesn't multitask, your Motion X track stops picking up new points when switching between Delorme and Motion X. That could be a problem if want to use the iPod to record your adventure and someone else in the car wants to watch a movie or something. Motion X has a simple music player built in, so you can at least listen to music while using the program's other features. Hopefully, Delorme build this kind of functionality. At any rate, this set up has greater versitility than the Baja 540 I used to use, with a better screen.

Observation...The inReach is a big block of plastic to huck around, but considering the 2way texting, I think it's probably worth it. I'll let you guys know what I find out this weekend.

Are there anybody using this new locator? Curious how it works especially the two way messaging feature.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Too funny Jeff,

I just picked up the InReach today for our Australia trip and plan on testing it out this weekend. I will be using with my wife's Iphone to start with as we are taking that with us. When I get back I will try it with my Andriod phone and see how I like it.
My plan is to use it with at the same time as my Acer netbook so I get some quality side by side comparison.

There is a good Delorme forum to track info from super uses and get the latest inside info.

Some of the things I hope happen soon:
Run the Inreach on external power (it has a mini-usb port inside)
Get the World map update very early in June so we can use it in Oz
Allow those of us who have already bought Delrome Topo to load that into our Andriod

I can see the value in switching completely over to the Ipad if this system proves it's worth after some long term testing.

One of the fun things I am looking forward to is seeing how the InReach could work for Baja race teams in events like the Mexican 1000 I just helped with. Device to Device tracking & messaging when a racer has issues in the middle of nowhere. Race organizers tracking vehicles to make sure they aren't cutting corners. Backup race timing...lots of uses.

Please Jeff, either start a new thread or update this one with anything you learn.

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