Back on the battery project. I got the rest of the parts I needed and completed one of my two battery banks I am building. I wanted something very clean looking, serviceable and not looked all hacked together. I purchased two 120Ah BMS units from Overkill Solar off Amazon. He is a member on the DIY Solar Power Forum, which is where I did a LOT of my research at. It was tight getting everything to fit but it all does and should work well. This BMS is fully programmable and does have a low temp cutoff (and high temp). LifePO4 cells can be damaged if you try to charge them below freezing. This is the newer model that has the port for a switch to turn off the discharge side, so if in storage for a while, nothing will be drawing from it, other than the BMS. If I really need to power it down, I just disconnect the balance plug and that effectively powers it off. Very happy with how this turned out. Now I need to finish #2.
BMS unit
3/8" terminals
It's a tight fit and the cable need to route correctly but it all fits
Wiring done, terminals and cutoff switch installed. BT module taped down.
All closed up and ready to use
Here are three screenshots showing the discharge status (on or off) as I change the switch. Also showing all 4 cells very balanced. This is from the Android app, where you can change all types of settings.
Outside of finishing the second pack, this project is done.