Detroit Lake/ Rainbow Lake/ Elk Lake Oregon...


New member
So given that some plans we had for today were called off, it was a perfect opportunity for my wife and I to get out of town if only for the day. So we loaded up a few things and headed out this morning to Detroit Lake area. With the weather topping out at 81 degrees, it was a beatiful day out. The lake had lots and lots of boaters and water skiers enjoying the weather. We left the kayaks at home today and just wanted to do a little driving today.
After passing Idanha, we took a sharp right off of HWY 22 onto Coopers Ridge Rd then a quick left and headed up an old gravel road. We took a "short cut" which is always more fun on our way to Rainbow Lake. What more can we ask more along the way, great weather, great scenery, MT. Jefferson in the background...

Entering the unknown... :smiley_drive: How awesome...



Really nice photos!!

My kids and I are leaving for a 2 month road trip on Thursday. We are doing time in west Texas (military) and look forward to leaving the flats behind.
While we won't quite make it up to Oregon, we are camping at Redwood NP in NorCal. Your pics are just making me more excited to be back in the mountains.




New member
Great picture, beautiful are. Is Cooper Ridge Rd. FS2234? How suitable is the road into Rainbow lake for a Subaru?

There are two ways into Rainbow Lake off of hwy 22, both start off as a gravel road for about 2 miles then its paved. The paved road takes you with in a mile to the actual lake, then its a dirt road around the lake. You should have no problems getting to it. Just be careful, it snows alot up there and takes a while for it to melt.
Sorry I took so long to reply. Let me know if have any more questions.

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