Did anyone here apply polyurethane underneath the carpet on your storage box?


New member
Finally in the process of building my storage box/sleeping platform and I am wondering about clear coats on the wood. I am planning on covering the outside of the box and inside of the drawers with carpet. I plan on using polyurethane on the inside of the box and outside of the drawers, but should I also apply polyurethane to the outside of the box before I apply the carpet? Will 3M adhesive still well to the polyurethane even? Or should I just skip the urethane on the parts that will be carpeted? Wood is baltic birch, carpet is just the standard thin outdoor carpet from home depot. Any insight here greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
in a general statement, porous materials should be sealed on all sides for dimensional stability.

if you want to use contact adhesive as a sealer, fine, but use two coats. you'll see how quickly the first one is absorbed. personally, i would use a sanding sealer, sand w/ 220 grit paper, then use contact cement. the water based adhesives are less hot, for what that's worth.

unless your design is making the carpet do bends & folds, consider commercial quality 2-sided tape. if the dog barfs or junior poops on it (or vice versa), you can peel it off and replace a bit easier.
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I did not use polyurethane on my drawer case but I did paint it with a good grade of exterior paint before I decided to add carpet on top.


I just wiped the top off and used 3m spray contact cement on both surfaces to be glued.
It has held up just fine

I don’t think poly would be a problem to glue to.
I’ve bonded carpet to aluminum panels in the past with no issues.

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