Different feet available for awnings?


I am wondering if anyone has found some different feet for the ARB/CVT/Ironman awnings that allow you to stake it down? Mine currently have the little point that you can push into the grass but that doesn't help much when we are in the desert camping.
I know the guy lines help with this but I have used EZ-Up 10x10 tents that have feet that you can put a tent stake through to keep them down.

Or if there is a hack that you have done to make this work I would love to see some pics.



Drill a hole through the support legs. Run a loop of paracord through the legs and stake down the paracord... or if you want to get fancy run a snap pin through the legs.



Free Candy
this is what guy lines are for.

the issue with you just staking, is now you have lateral movement. if you use guylines, you have vertical (pulling down) and lateral support (left to right if you stake them at a diagonal) preventing side to side damage at mounts.


this is what guy lines are for.

the issue with you just staking, is now you have lateral movement. if you use guylines, you have vertical (pulling down) and lateral support (left to right if you stake them at a diagonal) preventing side to side damage at mounts.

I think OP wants additional staking options, used in conjunction with the guylines. He mentioned the desert and I understand his predicament, sometimes the ground is just soft silty dirt or sand and there may not be any heavy objects around to weight down the lines. Sometimes staking down every part you can will just have to do.


Free Candy
as someone who has used an arb awning in saudi arabian deserts....its more than sufficient. Just make sure if you are in sand, you have some 2-3ft stakes to hold.
We used rebar with a bend at hte end and a spike ground at the other end


Thanks for the imput. But the deserts of CO, UT and AZ are a bit different than Saudi Arabia. There is little sand and lots of rock, clay and pokey things. I might just need to bring a cordless drill with a big ol' bit to get something started then break out the sledge hammer to push it down.


Free Candy
Other option that we did when we were on escarpments (same type material) are to do just what you said. A cordless drill and mason bit made quick work. we used hte same rebar stakes about 6-8 inches (stronger than anything we could get on the shelf)
Faisal's finger by Grant Wilson, on Flickr

pretty sure thats about what you are describing
XT016686 by Grant Wilson, on Flickr

solid rock almost. Its such a pain in the ***


We were camping in soft sand a few weeks ago with the awnings up...the poles kept sinking into the ground so I cut the bottom off of 2 x 2lt Pepsi Bottles....they have about the same footprint as a baby elephant and stopped the poles sinking.

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