Disabled Explorers needs your help in Los Angeles area April 9-11


Disabled Explorers will be attending the Los Angeles Abilities Expo from April 9-11 2010 and we need your help. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow expedition portal member “1leglance” and take a tour of the “WAVE “ sportsmobile 4x4.

Help in the following areas would be greatly appreciated:
Booth attendants (meet the public and pass out flyers).
Photography and Video (non-professional OK, your own equipment is a plus).

Please Contact me if you are interested in helping Disabled Explorers reach out to the Disabled community.
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2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Thanks for posting this Jerry...
We just did 5 days at the San Diego Autoshow with Sportsmobile and signed up over 3 pages of people for day trips in the WAVE...you Socal people will be seeing alot more of DE.

We really want to reach out to more disabled folks and let them know this resource is avalible for recreational therapy. But we are looking at $8000 to attend the Abilities Expo...oh and that is with the 50% non-profit discount. So we will need lots of help pulling that off.

The rig is useless without a disabled person behind the wheel, that is why the shows have value in letting them know it is avalible. The Phoenix area Disabliities Expo isn't until October, many folks that we can reach from Az, Nevada, Utah, Socal will be that this event in Los Angeles so we want to be there too.....plus there is nothing like this out there.


I put out a call to a few shooters and video guys in LA, you might hear form them in the next few days.

Thanks, Jay
Even if we are not able to attend because of budget constraints, I would still like to collect a list of possible volunteers for the LA and So-cal areas. We will be doing more events in the area and we will need help. This list will only be used by me (DE) to contact volunteers; you will not be place on any mass mailing list.

Thanks everyone, we have had a lot of people looking at this thread. I would like to invite anyone that wants to volunteer for DE to please email me at

I will reply back with a volunteer questionnaire that will be used help us make your experience with DE pleasant and rewarding.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Thanks Drew, it was good to see you at the San Diego Show!
Since you have been to the Abilities Expo a few times I am sure and shown there if I remember right....any advice would really help.


Yeah I've been going every year for the past few years. This year it's at a new venue - the LA convention center. Last year it was in Anaheim. Don't have any special advice, just keep doing what you're doing. Might be good to have a schedule of upcoming trips for the year for people to sign up for.

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