Discovery 2 pickup


New member
Hello all,

I have been pondering creating a D2 pickup for a while and wondered about what everyone thought about the idea. There is a fiberglass kit made in the UK but may be cost prohibitive to bring in to the states. I have seen an orange pickup assembled here in Utah and it really got my mind going.

Here is the link to the kit out there.

I like the idea of a tailgate, open bed and short wheelbase truck. It might just be a pipe dream and not worth the time needed to invest but done right (not 20" baller wheels) it would be a awesome platform to use for exploration.


Expedition Leader
Seems like a lot lost to make a truck. Just think of all the wiring in the roof of the vehicle, the tail lights, etc.

Chazz Layne

I love the idea of a Discotruck, but I'd never do it just for the sake of doing it.

Now if the Discovery in question had previously been totaled due to roof damage, that'd be a different story entirely... :)


New member
It's on my mind because the interior of the 2nd Discovery I just picked up has a destroyed interior including the headliner. Dogs can destroy a vehicles interior.


lost, but making time
I have had their website bookmarked for a while and just tried it (twice) and it did not work :(

Was in contact with them, previously, asking some questions.

Their "ute" was what interested me.

Stretch the D1 WB, too...

If you got a few folks interested, perhaps a group buy might help save a bit on the freight as it is just bulky and not really so heavy.

Folks do bring over kit cars from the UK.

If there is a will, there is way :)


I started building a RRC truck but decided to focus on my Series and sold it just before finding that kit in the UK. Now I'd really like to do it again that I've found that kit. IMG_1707.jpg


Supporting Sponsor
I spoke with them a few years back. Real nice people and if I remember the cost was going to be around $2500 for the kit. I need to bring in 3 kits to make the math work. Ill still do one if there is 2 others out there that want a kit.

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