Do you like Pancakes?


Expedition Leader
Just a heads up to those wanting to try the BatterBlaster "pancake in a can" product. It's okay, but the can doesn't make all that many pancakes, and it does not well at altitude...or at least not well above 10,000 feet. I also think the metal can is pretty environmentally unfriendly.

Oh, and to the person who mentioned apple butter....WOW, what a flash back I just had. thanks!


WyoW: Its all pancakes so your not off topic at all.

nwoods; Your welcome, I didn't remember apple butter until WyoW mentioned potato pancakes. Now I'm on a quest to find some for myself. :sombrero:


Not exactly pancakes but sorta related :): Growing up my Mom would take left over plain polenta while still hot and pour into a greased bread loaf pan. Next morning, after sitting in the fridge all night, she would un-mold the polenta and slice into 1/2"-3/4" thick slabs. Into a pan of melted butter until nicely browned...flip...repeat. Serve hot with maple syrup.

This would be a great one to take along camping; on my list of "to tries" for this spring's trips. Could have the polenta already made ahead of time...

Not sure how it compared to home made polenta but you can buy the same thing in the supermarket....Called corn meal mush, and comes in a tube similar to a 1lb chub of sausage....


Great stuff here!

OK, here is my breakfast mix for the family:

-Waffles with Peanut Butter and Bananas and sprinkle on some powdered sugar with of course Syrup.

-Corn Meal Pancakes, when I want to go retro on the kids and they are awesome!

-Banana Pancakes are the wifey's fav'

-For normal Pancakes I always add a tablespoon of Vanilla flavoring.


Great stuff here!

OK, here is my breakfast mix for the family:

-Waffles with Peanut Butter and Bananas and sprinkle on some powdered sugar with of course Syrup.

-Corn Meal Pancakes, when I want to go retro on the kids and they are awesome!

-Banana Pancakes are the wifey's fav'

-For normal Pancakes I always add a tablespoon of Vanilla flavoring.
A little vanilla in the french toast batter is also very good.


Ginger Ale Mix

HEHEHEHE I thought I read Ginger Ale! I tryed it this weekend and it was good. I just poured a cup of Krusteaz Mix and added Ginger Ale, no water, no mix, 100% Ginger Ale.

Now I have to try the Orange and M-Dew!

This thread is SO COOL!!!!

When I worked Security at the Grand Teton Lodge Company we had a Chef that made the most coveted pancakes I have had. All of the staff raved about how good these cakes tasted. I overheard several of them asking him what his recipe was or his "secret". He wouldn't share. One day I opened the lodge a tad earlier than normal and was doing my early morning rounds and swung by the kitchen. I observed our chef filling a 2.5 gallon bucket with Mountain Dew soda and dumped it into a commercial mixing bowl. I looked at him most perplexed and he turns to me and tells me " you have to keep this to yourself O.K.!?!" I went over and looked into the batter and said to him "Pancake Secret Eh?". He said that he had been trying different soda's in the batter.

Long story short..... Mountain Dew and Orange Crush makes some Mean Pancakes!!! I tried both after that summer and they are fluffy,flavorful and terribly bad for you. :wings:


HEHEHEHE I thought I read Ginger Ale! I tryed it this weekend and it was good. I just poured a cup of Krusteaz Mix and added Ginger Ale, no water, no mix, 100% Ginger Ale.

Now I have to try the Orange and M-Dew!

This thread is SO COOL!!!!
Cream Soda would probably be nice.


Photographer in the Wild
pancakes with butter peanut butter and aunt jem syrup. good stuff. not real picky about the batter but I usually make it sort of thin adding an egg, using milk , vanilla and sometimes cinnimon. throw a cpl of eggs on top and I am good

another breakfast fave is waffles with cut up bacon peices in the batter. thats grub!!!


Growing up, my Grandfather had a 40-year-old sourdough starter that he made pancakes from. Unfortunately, after he died, nobody maintained the starter and it's gone forever. :( One of these days, I'm going to start my own sourdough tradition. You can buy cultures from around the world now. Very cool!

I've never liked things mixed into a pancake. I'm more of a topping guy. One of my favorites these days is maple syrup, fresh strawberries, orange juice, and lots of cinnamon. Quickly cook the four ingredients in a pan for 3-5 minutes. It's sweet but not too sweet.

These days, I like to make up my own mix from Alton Brown's recipe. I keep it in a jar on the counter. Works great.


I like pancakes, but not with syrup. They need to be hot a then I pour milk on them(whole is best). I then sprinkle lots of sugar, cinnamon, and a little nutmeg. the pancakes need to be saturated in milk.

my grandpa did this and I thought he was the best so I do it too. It sounds gross I am aware, but that taste is awesome.


Oil eater.
We used to make soy flour banana pancakes in Baja long ago. I've got to find some again. It was a mix that you just added water to I believe along with ripe bananas. Deelicious! We'd compliment it with sausage pattties or bacon. Man I'm getting hungry!:sombrero:


Paul frank pancake mix

This forum thread has truly wrecked my healthy oatmeal eating habbit!

The company I work for was at XGAMES 16 in Los Angeles this past weekend and while there I ran across something very interesting! And since this "pancake tread" has been on the brain since finding it, pancakes are on my radar!"

Yes, PAUL FRANK [That clothing company with the "Julius" monkey face all our kids rave about] is coming out with PANCAKE MIX soon!!!! More info soon!


Kerbey Lane

This place is an Austin establishment. Plus one is right up the road from me!
They make killer pancakes and other food. I haven't tried the mixes, but I may pick up a couple bags to take out to Colorado with me this weekend.

Kerbey Lane pancakes

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