You know, my gut instinct to this question would be a Maximog, or Tatra, or Man, something ginormous that you could survive in for the duration of an average Antarctic winter with a family of 8 people.
However, thinking it over, and pondering where I would want to take this vehicle across the face of the earth, something that large (even given to me for free) would be a pain in the butt to transport in comparison to something smaller that would fit in a sea can.
And I couldn't imagine trying to navigate the tight streets of a small third-world town in an 8-wheeled giant. That's not to mention some of the tighter mountain passes that can be encountered in those same countries...
My own ideal machine would be capable of carrying and supporting a family of 5 comfortably, not have to exit the vehicle to access the living/sleeping area, fairly capable 4x4 (of course) but doesn't have to be crazy. Other than that, the standard expo-type requirements, diesel engine, long range tanks, fridge/freezer, decent amount of storage, some sort of shower faciliyies, even exterior one, etc.
It seems like what I would conside "ideal" is a bit tough because I want lots of interior space, but not too much exterior space. I guess I want the magical elevator off of Dr. Who. lolololol
That newer Australian Oka machine looks promising, albeit pricey...
Maybe in 10 years I'll be able to afford one.