Driving slow on fast freeways?


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
For courtesy's sake, I see someone as having the responsibility to move over and let others pass when they have the opportunity. Thats my biggest beef with people on twisty roads. Everyone seems to think that because theyre out to enjoy a nice slow drive, that everyone else should also. ... I dont see anything wrong with driving slowly to better your mileage, as long as he at least has the courtesy to allow others to pass. If you're on a 2 lane, pull over when possible.

Thank you. I don't own anything fast but I never fail to see people who pass numerous reasonable and prudent pull over spots going 20mph up hills. I ain't got no problem going whatever speed ya' want but for the love of all that's good let people pass. What really gets my mad on is when we get the hate-look as we finally pass as we're the problem.


Thank you. I don't own anything fast but I never fail to see people who pass numerous reasonable and prudent pull over spots going 20mph up hills. I ain't got no problem going whatever speed ya' want but for the love of all that's good let people pass. What really gets my mad on is when we get the hate-look as we finally pass as we're the problem.

Aint it true though?!?!?! Its one of the biggest reasons that I absolutely hate driving mountain roads during the day. Especially on weekends. Its not that difficult to just pull over and add that extra 3.5 seconds to your drive. Its not the slow drivers that piss people off so much as the ones who have no courtesy for their fellow drivers. Like Redline said, we get people that drive the speed limit, or slower, in the hammer lane!! Why?!?! Just move over to the right one lane and its all good!!!



Expedition Poseur
Its not the slow drivers that piss people off so much as the ones who have no courtesy for their fellow drivers. Like Redline said, we get people that drive the speed limit, or slower, in the hammer lane!! Why?!?! Just move over to the right one lane and its all good!!!


It's not uncommon for my drive home to include a nice stretch of 4-lane state highway at 45mph because two people want to drive side-by-side, at 10mph under the speed limit, neither one speeding up or slowing down to let the 1/2 mile of traffic that is stacked up behind them get on with their day.

Does anyone *really* wonder why motorcycle riders lane-split down the highway? It's because of slow people in the fast lane.

Slow people in the slow lane? No problem -- that is what it is for.


it is also something to consider, that If there is an accident. the Scumbag lawyer will bring up what A resonable person would do. Most people will find that to be, at least trying to keep up with traffic.

Speeding to keep up with traffic? Really? Have you ever tried using that on a cop?


There have been some great comments, thanks. I am a strong believer in slower traffic pulling over when possible, to allow faster traffic to pass. Part of my trip through Wisconsin and into Minnesota, was along the Mississippi River, on a marked 'Scenic Drive'. I'm sure it would have been very scenic but it started out very foggy and later turned to rain. It was a 2 lane road and I was generally able to go the speed limit (45 to 55) but I always pulled over when possible to let people pass when there was a wide shoulder or an area to pull off.

Again as I stated, I plan on using less busy 4 lane roads whenever possible when I need to get someplace faster, but I also expect to spend lots of time on scenic 2 lane roads. There the problem is less of having traffic come up behind too fast, but more that people will try to pass unsafely, as has been stated. I lived in California for about 18 years, so I know all about the bad drivers out there! I used to be one of them (speeding!) but was personally convicted that breaking speed limit laws is as wrong as breaking other laws, so have tried not to exceed the speed limits for many years now. As an imperfect human, I don't always life up to my convictions, but I try.

I did notice a distinct lack of power when climbing hills, and that was at 1,000 feet elevation! I'm not looking forward to the mountains on my upcoming trip to San Francisco! But I am allowing 10 days for the trip and will be taking the scenic route.


but I always pulled over when possible to let people pass when there was a wide shoulder or an area to pull off.

I think thats all anyone really asks. There are definately those who are just in WAYYYY too much of a hurry, but the majority just want the courtesy of being allowed to pass when its safe to do so. Especially those of us who drive commercial vehicles. It takes us a long time to get to speed and when we're on a deadline, we dont like being slowed any more than is necessary

I did notice a distinct lack of power when climbing hills, and that was at 1,000 feet elevation! I'm not looking forward to the mountains on my upcoming trip to San Francisco! But I am allowing 10 days for the trip and will be taking the scenic route.

Might be from a headwind. My commute home includes driving up over the Grapevine (I-5), and I can pull it at 65/70 no problem, until I get a headwind. There are times when I struggle to keep it above 50 going up that monster of a grade.



Speeding to keep up with traffic? Really? Have you ever tried using that on a cop?

Doesn't work so much with the cops, but does with judges. Most of the time, officer is looking for the ********** trying to outrun everybody else. Not everyone just moving along smoothly.


Funny how everyone is using the term "slow lane" and "fast lane" people here do use those terms, but its an indication they don't know how to drive properly as the lanes are overtaking lanes. In the UK we drive on the left so on a multi lane motorway you would normally drive on the left using the right lane to pass slower traffic then return to the left lane. Now of course we have the same problems with people staying in the middle or right lane but its because they think of it as the "fast lane" and they think they are going fast!


Another professional driver here.

Yes the minimum speed limit on the US freeways is 45 MPH. Speaking from the experience of almost 1.5 million miles under my belt this is way too slow expect sections of interstate where steep hills or conditions do not allow.

If I ruled the world... The Minimum speed would be 5-10 MPH below the stated speed limit and then those vehicles would be required to run in the slow lane except when passing and even then, if they were holding up traffic, even to pass they would be subject to fines.

I also think states like Ca, Id, Mt, Il and others with split speed limits should get rid of them. They are dangerous.

If I am in my truck in Idaho (where I run a lot) doing 68 MPH and come upon a truck or camper doing 55 and have to switch lanes in order to pass its a forgone conclusion that before I get around that vehicle I will have all the cars doing 75-80 crawling on my bumper and getting upset. This alone causes problems because upset people for some odd reason like to do extremely stupid things.

My suggestion, for your safety and others around you is just get off the interstate. I understand it is convenient for you but it is extremely inconvenient for everyone else around you.

I hope I don't sound like a jerk. I'm trying hard not to. After 15 or so years of living with issues like this it's hard to keep an open mind.


Expedition Leader
If I was planning on driving at 55 mph I wouldn't drive the interstates if there were an alternative route. Lots of Western states have a 75 mph limit and many of people drive 80+ miles an hour. That's too big a speed differential for safety in my view and not worth the fuel savings. I just drove across country in my FG which tops out at around 68 mph. I cruised around 63-4mph. I felt that was too slow once I hit Nebraska. There's a really rough section of I-76 between Sterling and Brush and I tried varying speeds from 45-65mph to see how the truck rode. But as soon as I saw a vehicle in my rear view mirrors I was back up to 63mph to avoid problems.

I don't think adding improved aerodynamics to the cab/camper would make much difference in fuel mileage. Looking at the threads in the Mitsubishi forum on fuel economy you'll see that many people which quite vary aerodynamics get about the same fuel mileage in cabover Japanese trucks.

Deleted member 9101

Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if you can't interact safely with other law-abiding traffic on the highway, maybe you shouldn't be driving.


Well let me put it another way, if I weigh 75,000 pounds and am doing 70mph.... I crest a hill and you are doing 50-55..... do you really want to take the chance that I will have enough distance to maneuver or stop.

Really, either do the speed limit (or close to it) or find another route.

The best solution I have found is to drive on the non- Interstate, four lane U.S. highways.

Unless I am in a hurry, thats how I travel.
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2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Well let me put it another way, if I weigh 75,000 pounds and am doing 70mph.... I crest a hill and you are doing 50-55..... do you really want to take the chance that I will have enough distance to maneuver or stop.

Your liability, not mine.

Really, either do the speed limit (or close to it) or find another route.

Let me be on the other side of the fence this time. Again I own nothing fast nor can I often afford to keep the Cruisers in the power band fuel-consumption-wise to keep the speed limit in many situations. I go above the minimum established speed, you have more of a right to the road than I?

Owyhee H

Lower Speed Limits

Well I understand the frustration of faster cars interacting with slower cars or trucks and have been in both situations often. As one who lives in Idaho I can agree that the split speed limits are dangerous and complicate the roads. I would support lowering the speed limit to 65 for all drivers. Why do people need to drive so damn fast anyway. NO vehicle gets as good of mileage at 75 as they do 65 and a lot of accidents and deaths would be lessened if people would go slower. In OR the limit is 65 on the freeways and people still seem to get from one point to another just fine.

Just my 2cents


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