Hahaha! I know right?
I'm really digging that road shower.
I'd like to draw upon your experience again if I may. This weekend I finished my rack, loaded the tent and did a test lift. I learned some things: 80 lbs gas struts are way too much. My wife and I had a heck of a time pulling it back down. They are also difficult to deploy alone. Rather than mess around with different strut poundage I've decided to go with the same linear actuators as you. Live and learn. Did you use a standard or momentary DPDT switch? Also before you installed the shower tank, were there any issues with having your RTT mounted to one side? Did the lighter side go up faster than the heavier side? Thanks.
Dstock, did you run your linear actuator power wires though a fuse box after the DPDT switch or use a bus block? Also what controller do you use for your Renolgy solar panels. I'm planning on ordering a system from Amazon and was hoping for your thoughts on it if you have a moment.
How are you able to post so many pictures? I've been trying to update my build thread but the forum won't let me upload any more pictures.
Thanks. Bruce
Ok, I have some dimensions for you, but I'd only had one cup of coffee this morning when I measured so please use as a guide!
The Rack:
Width 73 1/2"
Length 72" long
Made with 1 1/4" square tube.
Rack crossbars 24" on center from ends of rack
RTT cross bars are 15 1/2" from ends on center
Vertical supports:
Inner support is 1 1/4" telescopic steel 25" long.
Outer support is 1 1/2" telescopic steel 18" long (was longer before welder messed up, see thread)
Linear Actuators have 16" travel. Pull pins are 3" down from the top of the upright, so I believe I have about 4" of inner support still in the tube at max height. I rarely have to raise it high enough for the linear actuators to automatically shutoff.
Front upright is 31 1/2" on center from outside of front bed wall.
Rear upright is 21" on center from outside top of bedrail at rear.
Distance between the front and rear uprights is 44" on center.
Hiya DStock ... game's afoot and I am behind in strarting a build thread (yada yada) - but one quick question re the steel used for your rack ... cold rolled? or...?
Hiya DStock ... game's afoot and I am behind in strarting a build thread (yada yada) - but one quick question re the steel used for your rack ... cold rolled? or...?
Excellent! The rack was built with this: Rack Tubing from IMS That's the only specs I have for it.
Bam - alloy: HR (hot rolled) - thanks for swift response. I'm guessing you didn't select HR over CR intentionally- just happened that way?
And what did you finish it with? - black enamel spray paint?
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Bam - alloy: HR (hot rolled) - thanks for swift response. I'm guessing you didn't select HR over CR intentionally- just happened that way?
And what did you finish it with? - black enamel spray paint?
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Yes you would be correct on the HR! It was my first experience welding with steel, so I think I just chose it based on what I had seen on other builds. So far it's been holding up great.
Paint wise I used a Rustolem x2 which is a primer and paint combined. It's been holding up well also and is easy to touch up after mods.
Simple is good
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Simple is good
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I had a feeling I was going to keep modding/changing/improving things which is why I did the same on the bed. Once you start hitting the trails with these things you start to get a better idea of what you want and what does and doesn't work. I'm still honing in on some things which is why I have yet to strip it down and paint and bedline it. There is also a good chance that will never happen....hahaha!
Very nice! Looks like it's in excellent condition!Picked this trailer up yesterday time to get to work.View attachment 460460