Eastern Sierras Fly Fishing: Rock Creek Area 6-7-2013


Well another great weekend up in the Eastern Sierras is in the books. This this trip, I headed out with a group of friends to Rock Creek area for some camping, backcountry fly-fishing, climbing and paragliding. All in all it was an epic trip, and I have the mosquito bites to prove it. I am not going to go through each day or anything of what we did, as I said, it was just fishing, climbing, flying, and good old camp fire shenanigans.
I will say this, one of the most epic moments of the entire trip is when we were hiking a few hours back to camp in the evening after fly fishing all day. As we pass one of a million lakes up there, we see a hatch is going off, fish are jumping left and right, so of course we cannot pass this up…three of us throw some mosquitos on our lines (it was a mosquito hatch), and we start working this small patch of lake. It was VERY cool because the are we were working was probably only 20 sq ft, so we had three fly fishermen all working this area together. The synchronized back casting and everything just like it should be included in the extras of “A River Runs Through It” it was amazing. All in all I caught more fish in one day up there than I have ever before in my life. Not exaggerating, I probably landed 30-40 fish (obviously most were small little guys that I tossed back). And the more experienced fly fisherman friends of mine caught a LOT more that me..it was crazy.
Anyway, here are a few pics of the BEAUTIFUL Eastern Sierras:

The log that marks our honey hole..if you are ever hiking around out there around all these lakes and come across this, fish this spot, you will not regret it.

A little black and white fun:

Nymphing the little streams:

Fist Catch of the day (this little guy got thrown back, but had to document the first of the day):

A bit of synchronized fishing on this stretch of river:

A team of pack mules we saw along the way:

Paragliding launch site over Owens River Valley. Unfortunately wind was a no go that evening, so no flights:



One of my favorite areas. Did you fish Lower Rock Creek? Some great holes down there!

Honestly I am not sure what lakes we fished, haha. We just packed our bags and hiked for a few hours. I know we were up past "Long Lake" (at least that is a name I heard thrown around as we were hiking back for the evening.


Sounds and looks like a great trip. Gotta just love those little weekend get-a-ways to keep the soul alive.

p nut

Eat all the brookies, they over populate if you don't. Man are they tasty too.:sombrero:

Can't beat a fresh-caught tinfoil trout dinner. I was able to land a few last week (first trip of the year). Few brooks in there. They look as good as they taste.


New member
Jaw Dropper photos!!! :victory: These just made me thank God for the wonderful creations. Isn't it amazing? Anyway, fishing in the lake is a fantastic idea. I will surely try that in the next weekend. I am going to share this blog to my friends so they will be inspired to visit the place. We will then soon plan a trip to Eastern Sierras.

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