Embracing Digital

Having spent many years as a “Professional Amateur” shooting B&W film; even going so far as minoring in photography more years back then I want to remember, I finally leaped to the Darkside and embraced digital as more then “snapshots”. My lovely bride bought a Nikon D90 for my birthday and thought I would share some of my work. FYI these were "processed" with the help of Aperture and Silver Efex Pro.






Well, you still have a good eye for composition, even though it is a digital camera.:victory:

Enjoy your new equipment; but keep shooting they way you did with film. Careful composition, exposure, tripod, etc. It is easy to get lazy with the instant gratification of digital.:)


Nice work. I especially like the angles and lines in the picture of the suspension bridge - the sky almost looks like water.
I need to get out and take some pictures...
Yeah “Professional Amateur” and “Eternal Student” I find myself once again feeling behind the learning curve; not really sure I want to know why the Histogram is so important.

Anyway never really shot color other then a few assignments in school and never really liked any color work I did. So as bizarre as it sounds I am sort of treating my digital shooting as though I was shooting B&W film; work on composure, exposure (I still remember the Zone System) and bracket. I don’t look at the shots on the viewer and convert the shots I like with Silver Efex when I upload to the computer…am I still to “clingy” to my film ways?

Michael Slade

I am trying not to shoot my digital cameras at all for the next 12 months. It's gotten too easy.

Beware the slippery slope of digital.
You know, I have had my little Minolta x700 for 24 years. I have taken it literally ALL over the world and it has never failed me. I see the digital side as having some great advantages but hard to give up something so reliable but I made the decision to not shoot film until I get comfortable with this.


Expedition Leader
That bridge shot is very nice. A few years ago I paid money on a stock art site for a shot very similar to that. I would have bought yours given the choice!

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