Eureka tent designed for wheelchairs


Expedition Leader
At first glance it looked like this would be a good tent to attach to a SUV, either at the tailgate or side. But the height it only 5'2".

Looks like access from a wheel chair is good, but I wonder whether it can be setup while from the chair. Another question would be whether it can be setup on pavement, or whether it still needs stakes.

Increasingly campgrounds have one or more wheel-chair friendly sites. Often they are reserved for handicapped use, unless they are still unoccupied by some time in the evening. Most have a larger overhang at one end of the table, and a paved pad around the table.

Last time I passed through the North Cascades National Rec Area I noticed that some trails have accessiblity specs - details such as surface, minimum width, maximum grade, maximum side slope. One trail guide showed the grade range for different trail segments.



Expedition Leader
paulj said:
Looks like access from a wheel chair is good, but I wonder whether it can be setup while from the chair. Another question would be whether it can be setup on pavement, or whether it still needs stakes.

According to their spec sheet, yes to both:

Self-supporting DAC aluminum frame with easy post and grommet attachments plus continuous rod sleeves that guide poles into pole pockets make tent set up possible from a wheelchair from one side of the tent

emphasis mine


I have tested this tent out and found it to be a great design but very difficult to set up from a wheelchair. I had to go from side to side and readjust things dispite the claims of being able to set up from one side.
It was also very heavy. I loved the design and how every wall opened up to the outside and then there was a huge vestibule to keep my chair in. Just to hard to set up, I find it easier to set up and get into a rooftop tent. I am also working a couple trailer designs that will have RTT's on them in a lower stance.

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