Evaporative Coolers/AC for RTT anyone done it?


Looking for something to make sleeping in desert during summer more tolerable. Was looking at 1000 watt generator and 5000 btu window ac. AC needs hard start capacitor added to work with 1000 watt generator or you need to bump up to 1600 watts. Then I started looking at mini evaporative coolers/swamp coolers. They pull only 65 watts and I could run that off my2000 watt inverter/ spare battery/ 120 watt Solar. Either option would just sit inside RTT venting heat out screen and ac would have to sit in drain tray to discharge condensation out of tent. Been just sweating my butt off prior to this but looking for easy way out of this


Expedition Leader
I saw a dude in a RTT in Roswell , NM have an AC hooked up in his. He had plywood and a milk crate , kinda ghetto looking but I was melting in my RTT while he was chillin.

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I am an old injured fireman like you contused c5,c6 that's what put me in jeeps, started in Wildland in 1982 Cal fire Retiring LA/Ontario Airport fire this June with 33 years. Pending neck surgery so I am going to be a Glamper and try to be as comfortable as possible. Had enough sleeping in the dirt for my lifetime but probably preaching to the choir on that one.


Expedition Leader
I hear you! I seem to need a thicker and thicker mattress every year nowadays! An AC sure would be nice too. Good luck!

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full size $649.00 a bit pricey but has good reviews plus it warms too.$449.00 for single uses 80 watts so should be inverter friendly. thanks for the info.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Something else to consider would be an evaporation cooler, since you will be in a low humidity area.
Years ago I built one for a work van. Used 12V fan and pump. Worked really well (about a 20 degree delta). Lots of plans for this on the internet.
Down side is carrying the water.


I have looked at both swamp coolers and small window AC's , small swamp coolers can be run on my inverter and my 100 amp AGM/Solar combo was also looking at small 2000 watt generator for small 5000 window AC . My post was looking for anybody who has actually tried any of these and how they worked. I have a big generator but it makes to much noise


2016 4Runner Trail w/KDSS
Have you considered non-window AC though? Much better form factor for a tent, that's what I was posting

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When I went to site I actually liked the 2500 BTU one for dog houses better at 399 because it also had heating. Two hose system would be easier to rig than coming up with platform or placing inside and dealing with condensation.


Just FYI,
I have an old 5k btu AC that works fine with my Kipor inverter 1000 watt generator without modifications. I put the window unit up to the screen on my RTT and it was overkill even on the hot humid east coast day.
I only did it one time as a test because it is heavy and I had to support it. I was thinking of ducting both the inlet and outlet so I could leave it in the bed of my trailer.



Chuppie thank you for your reply, so it will cool tent enough that's what I wanted to hear first hand. I think I am going to go 1000 watt generator route unless I can get a good buy on a 2000 and the small window AC. Then if traveling and stopping in place with hookups I am also covered. I will start with small swamp cooler for my no generator set up, and move on if it does not cut it by starting with my 4000 watt generator/ window AC then get quiet small generator. I already run a TV/Microwave power tools off inverter

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