Next, I had the aluminum step boxes CNC cut and we welded them up, And while in the garage I could dry fit them, but I couldn't install them permanently because the whole thing would no longer fit out of our garage door. I barely had room to move around let alone do anything productive. I had to get this thing out of here...

The day started out with plans to simply pull the box out of the garage and keep it in the back alley. The garage was in a desperate need of a cleaning, there was aluminum sawdust and fiberglass dust everywhere. But once we got it outside I realized that without doors it's was going to become a plaything for the neighborhood Hoodlums.
Forum member steveo-mt has been an enormous help throughout this build, and this day, in particular, I will be forever thankful, he was in there like a dirty shirt, winching the Box up onto the chassis, installing the aluminum step boxes and doors, all in one afternoon. It was an exhausting day but we needed to secure the vehicle.
I had not considered a metallic paint job with gold pearl flakes topped with 7 coats of clear for $9,600 - Instead I used a General Paints Industrial Enamel, $40cad for 3.7 liters.
I couldn't find a local auto body shop that could (a) fit the truck in their spray booth, and (b) willing to do the E grade quality of work I was looking for. I was fortunate to find a professional auto body painter who was willing to bring his sprayer and spray it in the back alley. For those worried that he didn't have a respirator, he filtered all his air through a cigarette, so he should be fine. We used about 15 liters spraying 2 coats.
I'm very happy with the color and durability of this paint, I've dragged it through some pretty narrow trails and it's never scratched right through, lots of scuffs all the way down the side… (Which is one reason I don't have windows). I also like the fact that I can roll or brush touch-ups or spray with a touch-up gun any other accessories that I want to color match.
Anyway, Kara and I masked and painted the trim flat back with rattle cans and we were disguised as presentable, enough to take this Beast on the road without getting pulled over. And just in the nick of time too, in spite of the box being essentially empty, I wanted to be able to take it out for our 10-year anniversary, my secret deadline.
If this picture makes me look like I‘ve worked my fingers to the bone, Every waking hour, evenings and weekends, for 7 months outside of my 8 to 5, it's because I had.
But that smile tho'
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