"Exo Egg" Fiberglass Camper Build


Great build, cool to see another WV jeeper with a small camper. Hope to see you on the road this summer..

WV Jeeper

Very cool. Any idea how tall it will be without the exo' skeleton?

We have to air down the smaller tires currently on it to almost flat to clear our 8ft tall garage door. That is without the rooftop fan installed and exo cage...and also the larger bfg tires which will increase its height. In comparison, the original manufactured height was just just under 8ft with the swamp cooler that originally came on the roof. I'm gonna guess it will run about 9ft final height with the lift, tires, new fan and the exo.

WV Jeeper

Finished fabricating the diamond plate cabinet doors and got those hung this weekend. Still waiting on the locking latches to arrive before we can call them finished. They took quite a bit of time to make but we are happy with the end result.

Also got the mattress for the main bed cut down to fit. I used a full size mattress and had to trim it to fit the curves of the trailer. Its not nearly as cramped for 2 people as I feared it might be. I will eventually sew up a bedspread for it to match the cushion I did on the front bench. I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier but we decided to keep the bed up fulltime in lieu of using the dinette option which would require setup and breakdown of the bed everyday. We eat outside mostly anyway so I don't think this will be missed. Having the bed up all the time also provides another large storage area underneath which will come in very handy. We also removed the top bunk system on the other end. The top bunk had a very low weight rating which my kids exceed anyway so it seemed like a feature we would never use. By removing the top bunk and the bulkhead it rested on it provided a little extra room for the remaining bed/bench which will be better used.

Started the plumbing last night. Not a huge job since there is no bathroom but its a start from scratch job also. We have the original hand pump/city water faucet in the kitchen to hook up, the outdoor shower fixture that we added, the city water connection, water tank fill, and we relocated the water tank to the front from the back. We ran short on a drain hose so hope to get that today and call that complete. Next up will be gas lines for the stovetop, outdoor grill and provisions for adding a portable water heat system down the road on the shower side.


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WV Jeeper

Got the latches installed yesterday so cabinets are complete. Also finished hanging another rack below the stovehood for hanging storage. The one over the sink is a folding dish strainer and the one below the sink is being used as a towel rack and hanging pot holders. Hanging storage helps free up space in the cabinets for other things. The kitchen area is pretty much complete at this point.

We hung a small lockable medicine cabinet on the side of the closet to keep that kind of stuff organized. The small light next to it was added to cover some holes left behind by the old thermostat. It's an easier reach to turn on a light now while laying in the bed.

Plumbing is all but done except having to replace the sink drain which leaked upon our testing of the system. Its the original, along with the faucet so it figures it needed replaced. The hand pump faucet is working though and no leaks there so thats a plus. Propane lines are next.

I dug out the sewing machine again and have been working on a comforter for the bed and pillow cases. I'm trying to add a little custom touch which is requiring me to hand sew some things. Man, I hate sewing. If I knew what I was doing it might be a different story. Took me all day on a pillow case. Ugh. I've got one more to do so there is another day! Good thing its snowing and I'm not going anywhere. lol


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WV Jeeper

Finished the comforter for the main bed to match the cushion on the bench. The pillowcases were hand sewn to form a jeep grill together :)


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WV Jeeper

We got the door re-installed yesterday. We painted the original hinges and replaced all the rusted hardware. The original door lock/handle was inoperable and no longer sold so I purchased a new modern one to replace the vintage original. This required modifications to the door, fabricating a metal piece and lots of adjusting to get it to fit correctly but its on and working perfectly now. I kinda wish I painted the inside of the door white cuz when its open the cream interior sticks out like a sore thumb against the white exterior. I guess the flip side to that is it would stick out like a sore thumb on the interior otherwise. lol Oh well, not changing it now. I ordered a custom screen door this week. Because of the curvature of the door, screen door options are limited. Some have made the opening flat and square by building a frame out on the interior to then attach a door too but that option takes up some space and requires drilling to attach to the fiberglass which I try to avoid at all costs. The other option I came across was a gentleman that worked with a boat cover shop to fabricate a vinyl door that would attach with velcro on the sides and have a screen door that zips open and closed (think tent door). We decided we liked this option as its lightweight and requires no damaging holes to attach it. Downside is having to zip open and closed but I dont see us going in and out and in and out so often that it is a major concern. If we don't like it, it can be removed without damage. I'll post a pic when we recieve it in a couple weeks.


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WV Jeeper

Decals are installed. There will be a rock guard on the front window so that one will only be visible when its open. It looks pretty neat from inside too I think. Anyway, thats about it for decals. I wanna keep it simple.16601762_10212019397070164_4891051326874725004_o.jpg


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