Expedition Camper- M135a2 (bobbed) or Unimog 404


If you go the Deuce route check the injector pump for the modification sticker. If it has had a new IP they only burn diesel/JP-8. The military has changed to a single fuel source for their equipment so they changed the gravity valve in the IP to get a little more MPG out of the trucks. No yellow sticker- burn what you want. I'm a Army retiree and work over in Iraq right now and there are still deuces burnin' up the roads. Well only on the FOB's, but still on the road.


I choose to buy a 404. It is stupid simple to maintain and wayyyy better fuel consumption than an M135 (of course, when I wore the government issued uniform and had the Government of Canada fuel card I didn't have a problem with fuel consumption:)).
The 404 is barely bigger than my F150 Supercab but can turn in a tighter circle and is way more interesting in the Fortinos Plaza parking lot.It comes factory with front and rear lockers as well as portals.You don't have to modify it to take it anywhere and parts are cheap.I hate having to modify my ride so that it will be capable, the Mog let me get out of the 4X4 arms race and sit on the sideline nodding my head and then go where-ever I wanted to get to.Just my 2 cents worth.:coffee:

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