Expedition Portal national clean up day?


Expedition Leader
Well I'm as south as it gets for this group I think the latest it could be done is end of may for Florida anyway. I think we should ask for members of the forum to step us as a leader for there state and coordinate a location once a weekend is chosen.

So I'll go fishing How about April 1&2. It is early enough to still be high 80's in the southern areas and late enough that getting out on northern trails is doable.

Although I do not have any issue with support of sponsors I think that it is not the main reason for it as everyone in this audience would agree. I think that The reponsability of cleaning up after the 4X4 world lays more on the enthusiasts then manufacturer. If there are some that want to donate that is great, but I would rather see them attend a clean up close to them we are having, rather just then donate stuff. Lord knows we need the man power. I know we all secretly covet free gear, so I won't discourage it donations if they come.

So once again Clean up weekend :camping: :archaeolo APRIL 1-2, 2006


Expedition Poseur
On the issues of "sponsers".....I don't see the benefit of having them. Pick up a bag of trash....get a locker? nah.....lets do it because we, as OHV entheusiasts don't like to see trash laying around. It is for the betterment of nature, not for our vehicles.

The only exception I have to that, is if we can convince orginazations like Waste Management to help by waiving the fees at the landfill or transfer station. Maybe have some other orginization donate some consumables (gloves, heavy duty trash bags, utility trailer rental, etc). Definately not stuff that we will keep...things that we will use during the day.


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
April 1 & 2 are out for me.
That's the Black Mountain Trek weekend Scott has planned...


Expedition Poseur
So, what you are saying Ed, is that I need to break out the 2006 calander and make sure I don't double book my weekends? Huh...I dunno. That almost sounds like making sense...and that just isn't good!

Sorry guys....I'll be in SoCal with Ed and Scott and 8 others that weekend....


New member
Nullifier said:
Well I'm as south as it gets for this group I think the latest it could be done is end of may for Florida anyway.

So I'll go fishing How about April 1&2. It is early enough to still be high 80's in the southern areas and late enough that getting out on northern trails is doable.

So once again Clean up weekend :camping: :archaeolo APRIL 1-2, 2006

Depending on snow pack (which isn't much right now) beginning of April may be too early for some of our mountain trails, but we can always choose a more southerly trail here in the Four Corners for this first year-I would love to do something like this.

Do we have any media savvy folks??? Local papers, news channels, etc. For the most part-if you push it hard enough they will send a reporter/jounalist along. My vote for a push on the National thing...

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