Family of 4 from Belize to NC the long way...


Supporting Sponsor
Hello all- my family and I are headed to Belize in April, and plan to drive back home to NC. I have done this trip once with my brother about 5 years ago, and once about 20 years ago via motorcycle- down and back!! This time, the whole clan is going- wife and me of course, but also our 7 & 9 yo! First off a couple days at the coast in Belize. Then we are headed to a small mountain village just outside Antigua, Guatemala to volunteer at a malnutrition center for children. And then drive north through Mexico, and back to the States. My wife and I have travelled similar trips all over Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc, but this is our first go at such a trip with the kids.

Being an engineer, I am not much on lengthy descriptions and expletives, but will try to keep this current. Travel will be via Defender, and we are in the process of getting Passports for the kids. Departure date is 14 April, spend a few days at the coast, then be at the center the 18-21, arriving home by 25 April.

I might add, this trip is two fold- one for the adventure, and second, to lend a hand at the center. Should anyone have interest in donating to the center- not to our efforts/travel, I can post up a link. Thanks for any and all interest in the kids served by the center.

In fact, here is the info:
Feel free to contact me with any questions, and thanks for looking!!


are you flying in?
Did you ship the defender ahead of time? Just curious.
Would be interested to know your route back through Mexico.
sounds like a fun trip and awesome opportunity to give your children a very valuable learning experience.
Safe travels to you all.


Supporting Sponsor
Yes, flying in, and the truck is there and waiting.
I have not finalized the Mexico portion as I have not driven that area before. I normally go up the east coast, but considering straight up the center, dodging Mexico City to the east- thoughts??


hey RT no, no suggestions here. I have only been to the Nayarit area once many years ago.
Do your due diligence planning your route and where to stay.
The state department list several roads to avoid in each state and also list areas generally considered safe.
Might want to take that and what others who have been recently into account while planning.
Also in the North American section is some threads about travel in Mexico.
Hard to get boots on the ground info from current travelers however.
I am doing my research now as I hope to make my trip south sometime in 2015.
I will be keeping an eye on your progress. If I run across anything I think will be useful for you, I will pass it along.


Supporting Sponsor
Awesome, thanks! I follow the State Dept site semi regularly as it is still some months away. For example, in Guatemala, only G City is considered unsafe, as any huge city would be. We have friends- in their 70's, who are active at the center- 3 months there, then 1 month here at home. They have nothing but great and positive experiences, but avoid GC! My limited travel over about half the globe has taught me it isn't much different from home- avoid large over crowded cities and don't act like most Americans at Disney... Sadly our culture here as a whole has bred a sense of entitlement which is what most other folks worldwide find offensive.

I wish you well on your plans, and please stay in touch. The ride home via Mexico is the most difficult portion to plan- especially given Mexico City is due north of our departure from Guatemala. As I tell my wife- there are good, kind, and nice kids and families all over the world- we just have to avoid the 1% (or 10%- depending on your perspective) of people that aren't!!


Expedition Leader
If in a hurry, I prefer going up the Gulf Coast. It is the fastest route.

If not in a hurry, The Mex200 up the West Coast is the most rewarding route.

I always avoid Mexico City.



Supporting Sponsor
RMP- Thanks, I don't have time for the west route, but considered it initially so as to visit Copper Canyon. Have to be another time though. I have done the Gulf coast each time, and have had good luck. Was hoping for a different route, but sometimes tried and true is best…

John- can't wait to catch up a bit. Sounds like you have been traveling a bit as well. Anil hated to part with the Fuso, but he has been on overload with the startup… Hopefully see you at Safari if we aren't gone then.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Hope to see you one of these days as well Dale!

It was good timing on my part to pick up that Fuso from Anil, was just too good a deal to turn down - and I've learned a lot by being able to dissect what Doug did + pick his brain.

Out next big outing is planned around Overland Expo, probably spend a month or so on the road for that. Safari could be a good shakedown, just have to see how it fits with the schedule!


Expedition Leader
Dale, I want to hear all about your plans on this. we may need to have a beer around the fire before expo.


Supporting Sponsor
I agree on the Fuso- I really wanted that truck before Anil got it, but with the kids still young and in school, it didn't make the most sense, sadly. Enjoy, and be safe!!

Hey Mark, would love to!! We were hoping to incorporate Expo into the itinerary but couldn't make it happen this go around...


Aventurero de la Selva
Did you buy the LR in Belize or ship into port of Belize? if the later, do you need a customs broker? I worked with a great guy there, he got the vehicle bonded and released for me in 4 hours after it came out of the container. Usually takes a day plus.


Supporting Sponsor
We are covered on that end, but thanks for the offer.

Kids passports being processed, flights confirmed, about 5 weeks to go...


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Have a safe trip - we won't be at Safari (too much else going on), imagine you probably won't either. Maybe see you at Expo East if not before.

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