Feuerwehr KLF


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Saw this in the neighborhood the other day. Funny that I hadn't noticed it before, it's not like you see many bright orange German public service vehicles around. Anyway, didn't get a chance to see inside, but from the outside it looks like an unchanged Kleinlöschfahrzeug from some Feuerwehr over in Germany. I forgot to write down which town it came from, so I guess I'll have to run by again. Oh, whoa is me. Maybe I'll see the person who owns it next time. I wouldn't normally be caught dead talking to someone about their rig, but I'll suffer through it. ;-)

BTW, the car in front looked sort of like a Continental, maybe a 1966 I guess? A couple of things didn't look right. First, it didn't say "Continental" across the front and the grill was split vertically on either side of the radiator (so it was 3 pieces). I thought the 1965-66 Lincoln (which is what the body looked like to me, but I was born in 1971 and so I'm far from an expert) had a one piece grill. It didn't have side markers on the front fenders so it was certainly not a 1967. Anyway, it was also just a stocker. Would be fun to cruise in that!
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
expeditionswest said:
oooh, and that roll-up drawer could house a moto or three
From what I've seen of these fire trucks, behind those roll-up doors is a really cool gear organizer. Lots of drawers, slots and things. If you took all the racks out, it would be a nice sized garage of sorts for sure. The big ones, like a regular Löschgruppenfahrzeug (a LF) or Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug (HLF, yes, I had to look that word up) might have space for a Suzuki!

Edit to add:
That KLF in the first post is a Unimog 508 (the badge on the side I think said 508LD, does that make sense?).
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DaveInDenver said:

Just tried to say that 3 times fast...:) and with only one breath..:(

also think about the color, if you are lost someone will find you...

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