This morning's project - a rack that bolts to the cover. It's made completely from a bed frame I found by the side of the road on trash day, so I've got zero invested in it

Here's the basic rack, it bolts to the four tee-nuts I installed in the cover for mounting the tent. (I'm taking the photos in the garage today, I don't feel like going out in the rain to take photos

). It's still in it's original bed frame color, I haven't painted it yet.
The basic rack is pretty narrow, but there was plenty of bed frame material left over to make rack bar extensions, which widen the rack to about 52". They can be bolted on as needed:
I welded nuts in the rack so I can bolt the Harbor Freight rack basket directly to it. The HF basket mounts to it without removing the mounting hardware from the basket that mounts it to the XJ Cherokee roof rack on my Safari Cab, so there's no reconfiguration of the basket necessary to swap it between the Jeep and the trailer.
I also welded nuts in it in a 32"-square pattern that the tent requires so the tent will bolt to it as well. Haven't put the tent on it yet, I'll wait until it isn't raining.
One more shot of the HF rack basket with a little more load in it...
I'll take some better photos of it when it stops raining.