First deer with a bow


Forgive me for a bit of bragging but I'm pretty stoked about this deer.

The season has been horrible in CT this year and is quickly coming to an end December 31st. There was a huge acorn crop and with all the warm weather most are packed in pretty deep and not moving anywhere. So far I've only shot one smallish doe.

I took up archery this year and in CT the season is 3-1/2 months long. I hunted some state land Saturday afternoon with my muzzle loader but didn't see anything. Came back home to hunt behind the house for a while with my bow before sunset. There are some resident doe that haven't hooked up with any bucks yet and Friday night I heard one bleating and assumed she was back in estrous. Sure enough, this guy whom I've never seen before came poking around. I shot him from my stand at about 10 yards with my Mathews Switchback and Rage broadheads. I heard him crash behind me but gave him a bunch of time just to be sure. Came back after an hour and found a very obvious blood trail. Without getting into the gory details, it was easy to follow. Anyway here's what was at the end of it. He was still soaking wet and his fur was starting to freeze from swimming across the Housatonic River ( a fairly large river ) to get a shot at this doe in estrous. Sorry, buddy.

With such a poor season thus far, and this being a pretty good deer, and my first with a bow, I'm a pretty happy boy!



Nice job.
I haven't bow hunted in about 12 years but still have my Jennings Unistar in good repair just in case.Waiting after the shot is the hardest part.:coffee:


Appalachian Ridgerunner

If I remember right that's two down, eight to go. :elkgrin:

I just got done grilling up a couple of sets of tenderlions from Saturdays hunt. Surrounded them with parlsey/garlic home grown red taters and a generous portion of freezer sweet corn.


Congrats! I'm looking forward to going out bow hunting the week after Christmas for the first time ever!

You'll shoot your eye out!!!!!!!:ylsmoke: Your Avatar, I couldn't resist!

Congrats on the hunting folks, REAL all natural meat is the best!

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