Utah was pretty sick. The ol’ runner drove great up until the very end. I left work Friday afternoon and hit the road to get as much of the way through Kansas as I could. The goal for the evening was to get to a state park 45ish minutes southwest of Hays to meet up with my parents and brother. As I was rolling into Hays, KS, the rain started pouring down as the sky to the west looked ominous.
I stopped in Hays for dinner and to let some storms blow through so I didn’t get caught out in the middle of nowhere in a hail storm. Once I was out in the middle of nowhere, the storms redeveloped, and I quickly found myself in a hailstorm with quarter sized hail. Luckily the hail was fairly soft, and the only damaged sustained was mentally to me.
The runner did great driving on I70 west until Denver maintaining 80-83mph.
After waking up, the majority of the next day consisted of driving to BLM land near the 18 road trails in Fruita for biking and camping. The runner did pretty good in the mountains too! Much better than my cruiser, and I hit Eisenhower tunnel at around 45mph vs like 15mph in low range in the cruiser.
After fruita, we left for 4 nights in Moab. Unfortunately, my parents were still working on this trip so that cut our day trips short and we ended up not being able to run the entire white rim trail or top of the world like I had planned, but we still got out and enjoyed what we could! Once again, the runner was in its element, and I was so glad to not have to deal with tight trees and pinstripes. I’m sure the 4runner added to its collection of rock chips though, but I haven’t really been able to check it out too closely.
Our final big day of driving consisted of over 700 miles of driving from around Pagosa Springs, CO to OKC. Around 75 miles from OKC, the 4runner began experiencing intermittent power loss where some hills it struggled to pull at 55-60. I didn’t think much of it as we were trying our best to stay awake and jamming out to tunes. I attributed it to the Oklahoma wind that I’ve been slowed down by time and time again.

After making it into my parents place in okc and a nap, I woke up later that morning to drive the final leg to KC. I fired it up, and it was clear I was down a cylinder. After pulling the plugs, it was apparent something wasn’t right with cylinder 2. It had spark so we suspected it to be something to do with the injector. After running some injector cleaner through them to no avail, we pulled them. As it turns out 85-87 injectors are one type, 88 are their own type, and 89-95 are another type so being an ‘88 I was hosed when it came to trying to quickly source one to throw in.

Anyways, I left the truck at my parents, and my dad took the injectors to a shop to be tested and cleaned out. #2 came back as originally being weaker than the others, and with them all freshened up, my dad put the truck back together only to find out it didn’t run any better. It’s got the symptoms of a burnt valve so I’m going to end up trailering the runner back to my place here in a couple weeks and start looking for a 1uz/3uz donor vehicle so I can hopefully get going on a swap sometime this fall/winter. I’m kind of gutted, but I kind of figured from the get go I’d be lucky to get another 30-50k miles out of the 200k mile 22RE. Coincidentally, it failed right after hitting 230k.